Chapter 13: The Denalis Visit

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The visit was quiet unexpected.Despite Alice's psychicness, we didn't know they were comeing because she still couldn't see me.

We still had not defrosted Rosealie. We all heard the car come up the drive way and heard four doors open and close..I listened to the sound of their footsteps.I clutched ~y ring to my chest, remembering when I had fetched it from itd hiddeen hole.


The sand felt wierd between my toes as I walked down the beach shore.I found the rock I had hiddent he ring in.I formed a water whip and continously slashed at he rock until it broke revealing my precious.
It felt natural as I slipped it on the finger next to my Edward's mother's ring.I then jumped in the ocean, and was filled with excitment as my tail appeared..I am back.Was all I thought.

There was a soft knock on the door . Carlisle opened it to revealing five pairs of yellow eyes.I ran up the stairs and locked myself in Edward's room.Even though they had been invited to the wedding, they were unable to come, and I was afriad to meet hem.
What would they say or qorse do?

My hands trembled as I tucked my hair behind my head.The door nob turned and I wasn't suprised to see Edward standing there.
Of course, it was hia room, he had a key.
"Bella,love,what's wrong?"
"I'm afraid of what they will think of me.What if they hate me?"
&e crossed the room and kissed my hand while caressing my cheek.
"They will l8ve youI looked at him with sad eyes."You think so?"
"I know so"He said an then he kissed me passionately. I smiled as he led me I to the unknown.

AN:SORRY.I know it's short, but been real busy lately so please bear with me.

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