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"Happy Birthday to you , happy birthday , dear Pavel...." We sang in a semi circle around Pasha , who blushed and said thank you.

We were in one of the empty larger rooms a little way from the Med Bay. It was decorated quite exuberantly (which told me it was definitely the captain who'd decorated) with streamers and bright balloons and disco lights. 

"Now for the gifts", said Lieutenant Uhura,"Me first!" 

She handed him  a small box. Pavel opened it to see  a watch.

"It's from Spock as well. And it's made in Russia. And really  in Russia , not just your misconceptions, Chekov." 

"Zank you...and iz it my fault zat most good zings are made in Russia?"

"Most good things are made in America , dude ." Argued Kirk.

"Permizionto speak freely , Keptin?" 

"Of course , kid. It's your birthday and I'm Jim now , not Captain."

"Well zen , you are very stupid if you zink that most good zings are made in America. Obviously it'z Russia."

Jim opened his mouth to argue but I cut across him.

"Ok , let's do this later , please. Bones , your gift ?" 

"Uh , yeah here. Happy Birthday , kid." And handed him a

"Dizeazes and dangers in Russia" Pavel gave a weak grin.

Kirk gave him a bottle of whisky and what I strongly suspect to be a dirty magazine.

Scotty gave him a new sweater.

Sulu gave him a book of constellations.

He got plenty of clothes , books and movies form the others as well.

"Now me," I said as I handed him a digital diary.

He opened it and gave  a small gasp.

I had contacted his parents and asked to give all the photos they had of Pavel since he was born. They sent it to me and I arranged them in order with quotes about him underneath.

" amazing , Sanya. Zank you," he said , kissing my cheek.

"That's not all...... Scotty , now." 

"Ya , lass. " and started tapping at his PADD.

In seconds , Pavel's parents stood before least their holograms did.

"Мама , папа!" He yelled and ran to them , as giddy as a five year old.

Then they started talking full speed in Russian,

Suddenly his mother.... Larissa? turned to me and smiled ," Zat girlfriend of yours arranged zis. Zank you , my dear. I did miss my son so."

"Oh , it was nothing.  And the credit really goes to Mr. Scott and Mr. Spock. They were able to make your holograms." I said , blushing.

"But it was your idea. So ze zanks is deserved by you. " his father , Andrei grinned.

The rest of the party was quite fun . I didn't let Pav drink much , but he was a bit tipsy. So were most of the guests except me. But Scotty and Sulu were all around drunk. They were currently dancing half a waltz and half a tango shirtless. It was around midnight when most of the crowd left. Mr and Mrs Chekov's holograms disappeared as well.

"So , guys. Who's up for truth and dare?" 

"That is highly illogical , Captain. I understand that human party customs include truth and dare and..."

"And you're half human and so you wanna play too. Okay!"

"Captain...." Spock persisted but Jim took no notice.

"Let's start with the birthday boy! Truth or dare , Pavel?" 

Pavel visibly gulped and looked nervous.

This was going to be so not fun.

Author's Note : I think I have a problem. Contrary to BOTH my A/N's regarding the length of the story , this one is gonna be huge. It does encompass their whole relationship. Thank you for reading.

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