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" I love you , Chekov and you're one of the smartest people on the ship but this is literally the most cliché way to get two people together EVER." I said.

"I stand by eet. Eet is fool proof."

"How do you know that? Was it invented in Russia?"

"Yez! Eet vas inwented in Russia. You are correct , дорогой."

"What if one of them have claustrophobia?"


"Neither do , calm down. While it may not be the best idea , it's the only one we've got. So.."

"Operation Deepmine!"

"What's...oh never mind , I just got it. You take Deep to the supply closet a little way from the botany lab and I'll bring Jas."

"Done! But vhen?"


"Right now! Deep iz free so I can take him and you can tell Jazmine zat you need somezing from zat supply closet."

"I said you were smart. Gotta go. আমি তোমায় ভালোবাসি. я люблю тебя."

"Bye. я люблю тебя. আমি তোমায় ভালোবাসি.."
We'd started saying I love you in both our mother tongues when we parted ways.

As I ran into the med bay , I started yelling ,"Kangaroo! I need you."

"Stop calling me that. And why?" Has said , narrowing her dark eyes.

"I lost my necklace! The one Pav gave me." I said , sounding heart broken. I was a very fine actress and a pretty good liar.

"That's not good. Any idea where it is?"

"Well , I was looking for something in a supply room and I think I couldn't find the necklace after that."

"Alright , tiger. Let's go.'

We went to the supply closet. Just before entering I said ,"oh , shit. I forgot the Captain wanted to see me  right after lunch. Can you please look for it till I come back? I won't be long I promise. Pretty please?"

"Ugh , fine. Don't be too long." She rolled her eyes and entered.

I hide nearby in a secluded hallway and soon I hear Pav and Deep coming. Unlike my subtlety , Pav just pushed him in , locked it and ran.

"Hey ,Звезда."

"Hey yourself. How long do you think we need to keep them in?"

"A leetle more zan an hour."


"Let uz go to ze botany lab. Tulip is zere."

"You remembered!" I squealed and ran to botany.

After an hour of playing with T (fetch , play dead , run after bones to annoy him) we decided to go free our prisoners.

"Sanya." He said , every syllable turning me on.


"One last kiss before our prisoners kill us?"

"How could I refuse you?" I said and placed my lips on his.

After a few minutes , we pulled away.
"If we live , sweetheart , we are going to continue that. In the bedroom, preferably naked."

"Vhatewer you zay , princezz."

Then we braced ourselves and held hands. Readied ourselves for the outbursts sure to come when we open the door.

The door swung open to reveal
Deepanjan and Jasmine kissing sweetly. Not at all like 'i gotta have you now' but like 'i can't believe you like me too!'

They hadn't noticed us.
"Well , your plan was cliché but absolutely right."

"Bedroom now?"


As we walked away , I yelled in my best Bones voice.

"Damn it , what are you two horndogs doing in here? I'm telling Jim. Like mad dogs in heat , these kids are."


"Thank you. Thank you very much. Now , your room or mine to act like mad dogs in heat?"

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