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The Morning After

When I woke up (completely naked with only a blanket on me) the first thing I saw were two bright green balls with swirls of blue in them. I blinked , trying to focus, and I saw that these balls were my boyfriend's eyes. He was staring at me with a half smile.

"Morning , creepyhead. Have fun staring at me?" I yawned. I was the farthest thing from a morning person. How can anyone be a morning person!?

"Good morning! And yez , I did haff fun staring at you. I alvays do , ангел." He chirped.

And did I mention my boyfriend was a morning person , completely and utterly.

I decided to forgive him for being a morning person and instead said," Last night was...was...удивительно." 

He looked thunderstruck.""

"I've been getting Uhura to give me lessons. Nothing major. Just  a few words."

"Well zen , আমি তোমায় ভালোবাসি." He said , mispronouncing  and misaccenting a few words but I doubted I sounded any better.

I gaped at him.

"Uhura haz been giwving me lessons too."  

I kissed him. "How can I deserve you?"

He pulled back and said," Juzt be you."

We were naked anyway and soon round 2...or was it 4? started. 

"Wait," I said , gasping for breath due to Pasha's...actions," what time is it?"

"Who cares?" He said , turning to kiss my neck.

"I...I don't." I said , completely forgetting what I was going to say , lost in Pavel's touch.

Some time later , we both lay back exhausted.

"Wow"He said," Are you zure you haff newver done all zat before?"


His communicator started beeping.

"Yez , Keptin?" 

"Where are you!!!??! It's nearly 11! Your shift was from 9, you little Russian...."

He probably would've continued but  Spock snatched it from him.

"Mr. Chekov , please report for duty right now. Any more delay and I have reason to believe the Captain will strand you on Delta Vega."

Pavel looked panicked as hell." Yez , Commander. Coming right now!!"

The communicator switched off. 

Pavel ran around the room like a madman. He put on the first things he saw , which were his shirt , my skirt and one of the heels I got yesterday.

"Interesting fashion statement. Trend of the day."

He glared at me ," vhy aren't you panicked? Bones vill kill you."

"You forget that my birthday was yesterday. He doesn't yell at or kill or maim verbally , physically or mentally any of his subordinates their whole birthday week. I think it's repentance."  I shrugged.

He kept on muttering darkly in Russian. I gotta ask Nyota to teach me the curses.

He finally put on his correct uniform and left , without even a goodbye. I yelled as he left, "Ask Sulu where Tulip is!"

He didn't reply.  Well , at least he isn't chirpy in the morning anymore.

I lazed around a bit more and then finally left for work.

It was clear Bones was bursting to yell at me but he controlled himself and just said ," Don't be so late the next day." He then left and started yelling at some poor nurse.

I rolled my eyes. 

I went to Jasmine who was tending to a redshirt who had fallen off the topmost of the pipes in engineering. 

"Jas , guess what!? We did it."

She lost all interest in the redshirt. Sweeping her pale blonde hair out of her blackish eyes , she said ," Oh my god! Really? How was it???"

"A-Ma-Zing. I honestly didn't expect it to be that good. It hurt like hell , of course but in the most wow way possible."

"Can't you set me up with someone? Deepanjan , perhaps?" She said , not quite meeting my eyes.

"You Australian kangaroo , do you have a crush on Deep? Deepanjan Mondal , science ensign? That scrawny , short , profanity loving , Eminem mad underfed scarecrow?  (Sorry! @EminentDeep )

She looked offended," he's your best friend!" 

"I know. And these were the reasons I love him. But these may be the reason you don't. But , if you really like him , I'll talk to him."

She squeezed me in a hug ,"Thank you , mate!!"

The redshirt muttered ," Don't look at or care about me. I only fell 50 feet!"

At lunch , I told Pavel ," We have work to do , люблю."

"I do not suppose eet can be done on a bed , preferably naked , সুন্দর?"

"You suppose right , darling. We are going to play matchmakers."

He looked slightly interested ,"Who for?" 

"Deep and Jas." I said with a wicked grin.

"And Vhat diabolical plot haff you cooked up for it?"

"Not much to do , really. He likes her , she likes him but it's just a case of shyness as usual."

He thought for a while.

"I haff a plan."

"Excellent. Let's hear it , navigator of my heart."

"Cheezy much , love? Anyway , zo ze plan is..."

удивительно- Amazing (Russian)

আমি তোমায় ভালোবাসি- I love you (Bengali)

люблю- love

সুন্দর- beautiful

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