Chapter 2

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Chapter Status: Edited

Oslo's POV

I wake up to a knock on my door. Some way to start off summer. My mother stands, rapping on the barrier, probably knocking her knuckles raw. Ouch.

Groaning, I roll off of my comfortable bed. Ugh. Do I have to? She continues knocking and knocking. Eventually, I feel bad, so I throw on my favorite, bright blue, Shawn White hoodie and make my way out. I smell pancakes, which is odd enough. We never cook around here.

"Oslo, we have guests," she yawns.

"Uuhhh... Why?"

"They're the neighbors. All guys. One of them is your age, he's pretty cute to," she winks at me.

"Okay," I groan, momentarily forgetting about the episode last night.

My jaw drops as the memory comes back to me. All five of them. Sitting in my living room, eating pancakes, watching football (not American) on the television. Denmark sits hunched forward, intensely watching, waiting for his team to score. Iceland sits on the edge of the couch, engrossed with something on his phone. All of them in their pajamas.

"Well then," I sigh. All of them look up except Denmark, who is still watching the game.

Iceland's deep violet eyes lock with my own, and I get chills for some reason. He blushes, and looks back down at his phone. Mother elbows my side. Hard. I grunt in pain. How embarrassing. She smirks at me.

"I'm going to do the dishes," she states.

"Do you want me to help you do the dishes?" Finland pipes up.

"Sure!" My mother smiles at him. She follows him into the kitchen, raising an eyebrow at me.

I stalk back to my room and try to sleep again. I'm about to drift off when someone knocks on my door. What could it possibly be now? Ugh. I groan, flailing my arm at the door.

They walk in and stand awkwardly in the door way. I look up to see none other than Iceland. I sit up in my bed and face him, waiting for him to say something. A long silence is not what I was expecting. Finally, being the fan of destruction I am, I break it.

"You're pretty good with that guitar," I mumble tiredly.

"Thanks." He pauses. "A couple of days ago, I heard you singing through the wall. I like your voice," he states awkwardly. I don't know why, but I blush. Why? Why?! WHY? I blushed. Ugh.

"Thanks," I remark, my eyes drifting around the room, at all of the posters.

Not all of them are up yet, but I still have everything but the ceiling covered. I should cover that today. Sleeping with sirens, Falling in Reverse, Ghost Town and Pierce the Veil make up most of my posters. But of course there are about five billion other bands up.

He scratches the back of his neck, "I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out today," he states, looking extremely uncomfortable. I think for a moment.

"Sure, why the hell not?" I answer.

"Cool, I'll come back at noon or something and we'll go somewhere," he states, starting to leave the room.

Great. Now I have to get ready. I roll out of my bed, and probably bruise my rib cage. It wouldn't surprise me if they thought I was an elephant every morning. I look through my drawers. I pull out a random band shirt, and a pair of red, ripped pants. Ugh. I still look like a mess.

"Whore-face, activate." I mumble, my hands fumbling with makeup brushes.

Iceland's POV

I leave her room and immediately hear a whole bunch of noise, a loud crash, a few drawers, an unintelligible mumble, then followed by a bunch of clattering. Well then.

I stalk into the main room, where I sit on the couch, on the opposite side of Denmark. He looks over at me and wiggles his eyebrows. I'm not quite sure. Norway and Oslo's mother, London, (those eyebrows tho) begin making conversation.

I sit, staring intently at my phone and scrolling through Instagram, until I decide to leave and get ready. Quickly, I stand and begin leaving.

"Where ya' goin' Icey?" Denmark calls.

"To get ready," I state vaguely.

"Ooh! Someone's got a date with Oslo!" He taunts. How annoying. I leave hastily, and make a point of shutting the door behind me.

(A/N) I'm sorry I made Denmark so annoying, I really love him a lot so please don't hate me!!!

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