Chapter 11

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Chapter Status: Not Edited

Oslo's POV

My grandfather visited today. His name is Britain, and he looks way to young to be a grand parent. He wears a lively facial expression at all times, and he hates to be called grandfather, as it makes him feel to old.

"Sup, Britain?" I greet him.

"Oh not much, Oslo. What's new?" He asks, british-ly.

As if on cue, Iceland lets himself in nonchalantly.

"Well, this is Iceland, my friend," I gesture toward him.

"Did I intrude?" He questions, worry forming in his eyes.

"No, not at all. What a fine young chap!" Britain claps his back.

"Um... Thank you," he blushes uncomfortably.

"Grandfather, you're making him feel uncomfortable!" I exclaim.

"Don't call me that," he points at me, emphasizing the word 'don't.'

"But grandfather-" I whine playfully.

"NO! Don't be such a twit!" He exclaims.

That's right, my grandfather just told me not to be a twit. Iceland looks as uncomfortable as ever, as he's probably never met a grandparent as cool as Britain.

"Stop being such a ninny, Iggy!" I retort. He laughs and ruffles my hair before going off to find my mother.

If you're wondering, no I don't have Britain's eyebrows, however, my mother got a less extreme version of them. I was lucky enough to get normal eyebrows! (Me: yay for normal brows!)

"So, what was that about?" Iceland asks.

"Oh, Britain? He's my grand-dad. Doesn't like to be called that, though," I smile.

"Well he certainly seems... Young," he states, his face a dark shade of red. I laugh at his embarrassment, as most of the time when my friends meet Britain, their reactions are priceless! Iceland is no exception.

"So... What brings you here?" I ask.

"Well... I wanted to ask you something, but now might not be a good time," his blush deepens.

"Sure it is, ask away!" I grin.

"Um... Do you wanna get lunch later on?" He closes his eyes, and at this point, he looks like a tomato. Or a fire truck. Or a (insert red object here).

"Okay, sounds fun," I accept.

"Well, then, I'll see you later," he grins, shakily.

He shuffles out the door, looking as though he witnessed a murder or something. Then, Iggy reenters the room, a wide grin on his face.

"Sounds like the lads taken a liking to you," he nudges me.

"Oh shut up, grandpa," I push him affectionately.

"Oh come on! Are you serious!?" He exclaims.

* * *

I usually don't like eating in front of *blushes* guys, because what if I come across as a pig? Or worse, an anorexic? It's just so difficult.

Anyhow, Iceland and I went out later on that day, and it was pretty uneventful. We got sandwiches, then walked around town for a while, basically just laughing and making fun of other people we say while we were out. We're SO nice.

It was uneventful until we got back to our building. Just as we were about to go our separate ways, he stopped me, a serious look on his face.

"Um... Oslo, I've been meaning to ask you something," he begins, his cheeks dusted with the slightest blush.

"Yeah?" I reply, ignoring his blush and his serious look.

"I- um... I wanted to ask you if..." He trails off nervously.

I nod my head as if telling him to go on.

"Heh, uh... Will you..." He chuckles nervously. "Will you be my-my girlfriend?" He asks shakily.

I blush an insanely deep red, and feel my ears burn.

"Of course," I grin. Ohmygod! OMG OMG OMG! This is happening! Aghhhhhh I'm so happy!!

* * *

I sit on my bedroom floor, still marveling at what just happened. I've actually never had a boyfriend before, though I've always had lots of friends. I have always been kind of the joker. Everyone liked me, as a friend. Nobody ever viewed me as girlfriend material I guess.

I'll tell my mom tomorrow. She's probably sleeping anyway. Or out with Britain. I'm just so happy about this!!

I push my earbuds into my ears, and fall asleep on the floor, listening to The Script.

Iceland's POV

"I know it was a date this time," Norway smothers me as I walk through the door.

"So what?" I growl at him.

He can never keep to himself it seems. I can't stand him always getting into my life and trying to get me to call him "big brother." He just doesn't know when to stop, and I'm getting tired of it.

"How did it go? What happened?" He asks, genuinely curious. I sigh, seeing as he actually wants to know.

"It went well," I state vaguely.

He continues looking at me, seemingly expectant of something. I see genuine curiosity of what happened today in his eyes. I still don't care, no matter how genuine he seems. He'll never actually care.

"Anything else?" He interrogates, leaning closer to me. "Is she your girlfriend yet?"

Naturally, Denmark had to walk into the room as Norway said that. He drifts toward where we stand, and waits to join the conversation.

"Do you," he asks.

I blush a dark red, and Denmark's eyes widen. A wide grin spreads across his face, and I know what he's going to say next.

"Icey's got a girlfriend!" He yells for everyone to here.

"What the hell, man!" I yell at him. "I want to keep at least SOME privacy!"

I storm out of the apartment, his apologies filling the air behind me. I don't care. You don't just do that to a guy. It's not cool. I dash down the stairs and out the front entrance of the building, onto the bustling sidewalk of our city.

I walk around the side of the building, and I find myself sitting where Oslo was attacked that night. I remember how Denmark came to help us. The question still nags at me: Why was he there?


(A/N) WOAH!!! 90 reads! Thank you all so much for the reads, and the votes, and EVERYTHING, LIKE OMG!!

Poland: you love me like, so much, that you started talking like me!!!

Me: yes! I did, you are my bestie BFFL!

That's right. My best friend is Poland, one of the awesomest characters EVAR!

Prussia: Vhat do you need?

Me: nothing from you.

Prussia: *cries in emo corner*

I decided not to have the killers POV in this chapter. But please vote comment, add this story to your library and PLEASE follow me! Love you all!

-Miss Catastrophe

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