Chapter 5

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(A/N) Thank you for voting and STUFF! I really appreciate it, and I feel so LOVED! Eight votes! OMG, I could cry. That's more votes than any of my other things have gotten before! Thank you all for the love! Now here's the chapter!!!!

Chapter Status: Edited


Denmark's POV

I'm so excited to be helping this effort to help Oslo. I already hate to see her sad like this. Other peoples emotions are just contagious to me, and I'm still figuring out how to deal with it. It's a quality I can't stand about myself. BUT IM STILL AWESOME BECAUSE I INVENTED LEGOS.

Sweden just went to Russia's house, (me: STAY STRONG, SWEDEN! Sweden: wh't me: *fangirls* he talked to me!!) and he'll be back after he gets the pictures. He's really dedicated to this. I really almost didn't expect him to be. (-.-)

I sit in our kitchen, sipping my usual morning coffee. I find myself constantly fighting my hair to stay out of my eyes. This damn haircut. That's right! I didn't style my hair yet. Ugh. What was I talking about? (Yeah, Denmark and I now share or ADD. SUCK IT!)

I brush this problem aside, and instead of styling, I pull it back with a clip I find in my room. I go back to milling around the "house," if you could call it that. I walk next to a portion of the wall that we share with Oslo's apartment. All I hear is music, LOUD music.

ATTENTION ATTENTION EVERYONE! I HAVE A COUPLE OF THINGS I NEED TO GET OFF MY CHEST! FRIENDS! HA! WHO THE FUCK NEEDS 'EM!? YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! The song blares. What does she listen to? It's not bad music, but it's not exactly the best to get over a tragedy. Whatever, people have all kinds of ways to overcome sadness.

I catch a whiff of a sweet aroma, coming from our kitchen. Finland is baking! Yummy yummy yummy! I make a beeline to the smell of Finland's sugar cookies. I peek around the wall and see him working diligently, mixing another batch as about a dozen of them sit on a rack. They stand, waiting to be frosted.

Finland turns to face me. "Oh Denmark! Thank goodness you're here! I need you to help me out, I'm making cookies for Oslo and Mrs. London, and I need you to mix this batter!" He chirps.

"Yessir!" I grin.

Anonymous POV

I sit in their windowsill, the rain pouring down on me. Those five wretches are helping Oslo and Mrs. London. I'll have to kill them next. I need to hurt Oslo even more. More pain, MORE PAIN!

Oslo doesn't deserve to be happy. I sit pondering my next kill. It seems her brother wasn't enough, as these five pedophiles are still helping her.i need to break them, to. Who is someone close to them. I know Mr. Turkey is close to Iceland, but young Sealand is close to all of them. Could I kill a child? ...Yes...

I grin, formulating a plan for my next victim.


(A/N) Sorry about the short chapter! I promise the next one will be longer, I just needed a filler for this, as it would be short with just the ANONYMOUS. Btw, who do you think it is? You can already rule out Turkey and Sealand, but ya' know. HINT: It's not one of the already introduced characters!

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