Chapter 3

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Chapter Status: Edited

Oslo's POV

I sit on the couch, staring absent mindedly at the television. By now, all five have left so we're finally able to go on with the day. Almost. Iceland is going to be here soon, so I can't. I have to go out somewhere with the kid who woke me up last night. Ugh.

If you couldn't tell, sleep is my main priority.

"Oslo," my mother calls. I get up and walk towards her, only to see Iceland at the door.

"Yeah?" I say, turning towards her in the kitchen. I smile at Iceland. Don't judge me, I don't know what else to do.

"Iceland is here," she informs me.

"I know, goodbye," I falsely laugh.

Iceland smiles back at me and lets me out. I swear I just heard my mom giggle. We walk down the hall in silence at first. Not being a fan of silence, I bump into him with my shoulder. He falls back, but we both laugh after he rights himself.

"So... Where are we going?" I ask calmly.

"I don't know. I was thinking we could see a movie or something," he suggests.

"That would be cool," I shrug.

This should get interesting. Already seeing a movie together. I just met the guy! This just seems weird. Really, I'm worried. Where is this gonna go? Is it gonna end up good or bad? I just want answers.

I worry a lot.

It's my anxiety disorder.

We finally reach the parking lot of the building and he lets me into his car. I plop into the dark brown passenger seat and fasten my seat belt. It fits snugly around my immense frame. Iceland secures himself into the drivers side and takes off. This guy drives fast. Not quite Italy fast, but still.

After a long, always awkward silence, (always though!) I reach to turn on the radio. It's already on literally the same station I listen to. Again, intriguing. Imagine dragons, Fallen starts playing. One of the best songs ever.

I sit back in my seat, keeping myself from singing along to the catchy lyrics. The upbeat tempo gets to me, and I begin tapping my foot. Tap. Tap. Tap. Iceland looks over and smiles at me. I notice his hand moving along to the rhythm gracefully. Very intriguing.

"So you listen to this, to?" He questions.

"I'm not picky," I laugh. This is because it's true. I love all music. I just need a nice, clean melody and I can go for hours.

"Me neither," he simply smiles.

He stares straight ahead, and I find myself staring at him. He's just really interesting. I'm curious about Iceland.

Iceland's POV

Oslo and I saw the movie, though I can't quite remember what it was about. I kept getting distracted by her. I couldn't stop looking at her. She's so skinny, it distracted me. Does she even eat? Well, she didn't eat breakfast with the rest of us this morning.

Unfortunately, I have to go home to Denmark, Norway Sweden and Finland now. I swear they're going to give me hell for this.


"Iceys' home!" Denmark yells from where he sits on the couch, again, watching football. (STILL NOT AMERICAN)

"How was your DATE?" Norway literally interrogates me, somehow emphasizing the word "date," while staying emotionless.

"Not a date. We were hanging out," I snap at him.

"How was your day, then?" he says this time.

I groan at him and ignore his question. I can't stand my brothers. Just honestly.

I make my way back to my room where I hear Oslo singing through the wall. She's singing Fallen, the first song to play on the radio. She finishes the song, and shortly after, I hear a bunch if clattering.

She truly is amazing. I pull my guitar out from under my bed and begin playing the chorus of Seven Nation Army.

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