Chapter 18

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Chapter Status: Not Edited

Denmark's POV

They finally agreed that we should go somewhere for a couple days! We're at our large cabin right now! ^-^

Norway hasn't put that summoning book down since we got here, and Sweden and Finland went somewhere. Iceland seems wary of something, and is upstairs in his room. He hasn't left since we got here though.

I throw myself over Norway, and he finally puts his book down and looks at me. (A/N yes, I'm including NorDen)

"Hey girl," I imitate what Poland said the first time I met him.

Norway pushes me down to the floor, and on the way I hit my head on an end table.

"That hurt!" I whine, rubbing the back of my head.

"Well, don't do that again," he glares down at me.

I'm so bored!!! Who's bright idea was it to come here, anyways? Oh, that's right...

I push open our front door, and throw myself onto the grass. I allow the bright sun to warm my face, and the soft grass to cool my back.

That's when something catches my eye. I barely glimpse a figure in a blue dress standing on one of the window frames. I look away, then back again, and the figure is gone.

I dismiss this as the shadows playing tricks on my eyes, and go back to relaxing in the grass.

Suddenly, something dark blocks my view of the sun, and I fall unconscious.

Finland's POV

Sweden and I are just got back home. I wanted to go out and buy ingredients to bake a batch of cookies, and Sve offered to come with me! What a gentlemen.

"Where's Denmark?" I call out as I enter the house

"I thought he went outside somewhere," Norway calls over, nose still lodged in his book.

I shrug this off, as he probably just went off to do something.

"Sve, would you mind helping me put things away?"

He nods, and lifts the flour into the highest cupboard for me.

I look to our window, and contemplate opening it. Just as I'm about to push it up I hear a muffled, deep sounding scream coming from upstairs. Everyone else seems to be a step ahead of me, because Norway and Sweden get panicked looks in their eyes, and dash to the sound. I follow shortly after them, as I know what's happening now.

When we reach Iceland's room, we find his window wide open, but other than that, no trace of what happened.

Oslo's POV

"Where am I?!" I scream at my masked capturer. They wear a dark green military uniform, and stand, just the slightest shake in their form. They ignore me, and leave the room, abandoning me, tied up on the floor.

After about five minutes of sitting alone, my capturer come back into the room, wheeling a large cart behind them. Sitting in the cart are the two tied bodies of Iceland and Denmark. Iceland's eyes widen at the sight of me, and Denmark wears a bewildered expression. I notice Iceland fidgeting slightly, as if trying to escape.

What surprises me even more is who walks in behind them. Belarus. She stands proudly and unwavering, with the slightest hint of annoyance. She ushers them in, as if trying to make them go faster.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" A familiar voice calls to her.

"Lithuania?!" What are you doing here?" I call out to him.

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