Chapter 10 ^-^

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(A/N) Hiya! Soooooooo this is just a fun chapter I have in celebration of how far this has come, so it really doesn't contribute to the plot line. ^-^ I based it off Alice in Wonderland, and a new character is introduced! Okayyyyyyyy please enjoy!

Chapter Status: I GIVE UP


Oslo's POV

My eyes flutter shut pulling me into a wakeful dream. I sit under a tree, the sweet taste of an apple flooding my mouth, coating my tongue. A flash of white catches my eye, and my head whips around to face it. A small, at first ordinary looking rabbit. I then notice he's wearing a small vest, and carrying a gold pocket watch. He looks to be in a hurry, as he wears a flustered expression.

"Hm, a rabbit wearing clothes. Probably some persons pet," I yawn. (A/N Oslo isn't very Alice-ish)

"I'm late," he mumbles. "I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" He looks back at me and his bright blue eyes widen in surprise.

He runs farther away, his little white cotton ball tail bobbing in his wake. I consider following him out of curiosity, as if he's so worried about being late, it must be important. He dashes down a hole in the roots of a tree, and I finish my depiction making, and follow quickly after him.

I somehow fit my entire loathsomely fat body into the rabbit hole, and begin falling, and to my sheer and utter surprise. Instead of hitting the bottom almost immediately, I fall and fall and fall. It must have been five minutes before I finally hit the bottom, and I almost regretted going after the rabbit.

A resounding thud is the result of my body hitting the ground. I straighten out my clothes, and take a moment to rub my temples. I also received a headache from such a fall.

Finally, I get up to search for someone, anyone who can tell me where that little rabbit ran off to. I swear, I will snap its fluffy little neck for leading me down here! Well, then again, I'm the one who decided to follow it. Anyway, after a long while of searching, I somehow stumble into an empty room, with the exeption of a puny door, ornate and locked. I comb the room for any means possible to at least open the door, but come up empty handed.

After having failed my mission, a hopeless attempt to find a crowbar or something, I stalk back towards the place where I started. Confused, I stare, dumbfounded, at a little glass bottle, sitting on the ground beside a key. How did I not notice that...? The bottle is marked 'drink me', and just like any other container containing an edible substance, on the back a nutrition facts label is pasted.

"Finally, something at least somewhat interesting and- if this is like Alice in Wonderland- maybe the slightest bit useful..." I mutter to myself.

Shrugging, i turn the bottle over so I can view the nutrition label. It's written in a language I don't know, and since I'm living on the edge today, I take a swig from the bottle. Not bad, I critique, regarding the flavor, even though no one is around to tell.

The fluid tastes weird, but strangely... good? I'm not sure, it isn't remotely similar to anything I've stuffed in my face before. It has an almost overpowering sweetness to it, but not quite. Actually, this is one of the most delicious food items I've ever consumed.

That's when things get weird... er. I can't feel it, but I can tell that I'm shrinking. Not in the good way where you get thinner, but I am literally a little over maybe eighty centimeters (about 2.6 feet[?]) now, and I started as 155 centimeters tall (about 5 feet and 1 inch). At this point, I've stopped growing, but that's the last thing on my mind.

i forgot to take the key off of the table. I am such a dumb-ass, how could i do that? Honestly, I can't believe that I couldn't just grab my ticket out of this room before I drank an unknown substance that made me shrink. I'm going to fail in life if I can't even do that.

Instead of fixing the problem, like a normal person who isn't depressed out of their fucking mind would, I curl up in a tiny, insignificant ball, and cry. I sob and I sob. I cry so much that it gets to the point where I'm laying in a puddle which consists mainly of my own tears.

By the time I pull myself together enough to take deep breaths, a minuscule, ornate box has materialized beneath the table. Desperate for any means of getting back to my normal height, I practically fall over myself trying to get to the chest before anyone else.

I practically rip the top off of the box, only to reveal a batch of five frosted sugar cookies. My heart drops, because these will most certainly make me grow, but probably not the way I intended to. But still, I have to find that rabbit, even if it means being fatter for awhile.

Ridiculously on edge, I pick the cutest cookie from the box, and begin nibbling little bits of it from the side. I look down and breathe a sigh of relief, I've grown taller. Comforted and suddenly relaxed, I snatch the golden key from the table, and stuff it in the pocket of my sweatshirt.

I reach for the shrinking serum, only to see that it's gone! Before I start panicking, I try to deep breathe. I would hate to lose it now that I'm getting so close.

Four counts in, hold four counts. Four counts out, hold four counts.

Now, I think about what I'm going to do. When things happen like this, it gets difficult for me to actually analyze situations. Knowing this, I naturally tell myself to find an answer to the question: what is the most efficient way I can find a tiny clear bottle? With out taking the time to think of an answer, I get right to it, sifting through every nearby corner, coming up empty handed. 



(A/N) Okay, this chapter is a pain in the fucking ass!!!!!!!!!!! I am still in the process of rewriting it. UGH...

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE vote and comment and stuff! Also, if you could follow me or add this story to your library, that would mean THE WORLD to me!!!! Love ya!

The entire time while writing this, I was telling myself Oslo wasn't a good alice character... Yeah.

By the way, when I edited this, I literally rewrote the entire chapter. It was that bad.

-Miss Catastrophe

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