Chapter 31

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Chapter Status: Not Edited

Oslo's POV

"Yup," she smiles.

I wipe away a few tears with my hand. Her smile isn't normal... It looks forced. And I keep running into her in the oddest places... It's getting strange and eerie, as if she is following me. Well, she probably thinks the same about me. I wonder if she is follow-

"You still there?" She chuckles, now kneeling next to me, a hand extended.

"Oh, uh- yeah," I stammer, stumbling around to gain my footing. I trip on my foot, but Belarus seemed fain to help me.

"Heh, thanks," I chuckle weakly.

"Come with me," she invites.

"Oh well I'm hosting a party for my boyfriend right now so-"

"Just do it."

I follow her obediently, but more out of fear of what she'll do to me if I don't. You see, she has... a reputation. Not a good one, either. She threatens to murder girls who talk to her brother. She hasn't gone that far yet, but she has ruined a few lives.

Unlucky for me, I used to be somewhat friends with Russia, as I would go to his house to visit my uncle while he was working.

Belarus' POV

Why am I doing this? The answer is simple.

I. Hate. Oslo.

It's not only because she and her uncle were nuisances to big brother, but because she is so worthless. All she can do is drag others down and live off of them like a leech. I noticed how she got a lunch from Poland every single day. That is being a leech. She isn't pretty, she isn't talented, she can't do anything right. That is worthless.

It all started in grade six, the "ruin Oslo's life then kill her" plan. I would send the most popular girls in our year by her at lunch. They would drop comments about Oslo's body until it was clear she was going to lengths to lose weight. She stopped excepting lunch from Poland after the first day. Next, I would send all kinds of people to make her feel like the scum she is. When she stopped wearing short sleeved shirts, I knew that portion of the plan was complete.

The second part took the longest. It wasn't until the middle of grade nine that I succeeded in accomplishing it.

For the next two years i didn't have a specific plan in mind. I just did everything in my power to make her miserable. A rumor here, loss of a friend there. Little things that would effect her in a big way.

That brings us to where we are now. Shortly after grade eleven. She finally moved away, but unfortunately for her, she might not get to go to her new school.

I'm bringing her to the specified location now. Once there, an acquaintance of mine is designated to shoot her down. I have prohibited him from shooting her vitals, such as heart lungs, etc. because I want to see her suffer. Just like she deserves.

I didn't choose Lithuania because he has become worthless to me. A finished part of my plan. Nothing.

Iceland's POV

"I wonder where Oslo is," I comment.

"Yeah, I mean, she has actually been gone for a while," Hong Kong agrees.

"Do you think we should look for her? I'm starting to get worried," I suggest.

Hong Kong nods, and we begin searching the building. I look everywhere. The open expanse full of people in the center, all of the tables, I ask Poland. I tried reaching her cell phone and she wouldn't answer. I even resorted to looking next to the food and then having a girl go into the bathroom to see if she was there. I can't find her and I'm scared.

"Poland," I call out.

"Yea man?"

"If you see Oslo, please text me."


Hong Kong and I go out and look for her. We can't see any signs of her anywhere.

"Iceland, maybe we should call the police," Hong Kong suggests.

I mull the option over.

"Not yet, she could still be in the venue," I reason.

^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ (if you didn't notice that's my time skip :p)

Poland's POV

"Litheeeeeeee," I whine, "It's been like, a half hour since they left. Should we go look for Oslo?"

"It has been a while since anyone has seen her," Lithuania acknowledges.


"Okay, let's go."

I then proceed to drag Lithuania out the door. Oslo is my best friend, and I'm worried for her. I will go to any length to make sure she's okay.


We run around the city, searching frantically for her. After about fifteen minutes, Oslo is still no where to be found.

Oslo's POV

Belarus leads me into a narrow alleyway. Unlike the rest of the spaces between the buildings, this one is a maximum of three feet wide. There isn't a ton of room for me to move, and the space seems a little bit ominous. Okay, maybe very ominous.

Belarus turns to face me, an insane expression on her face. A grin, one that stretches from ear to ear. It doesn't look forced forced of fake, though. Her eyes look different from five minutes ago, they look... empty, but at the same time, filled with something. What is it? Could it be anger? Hatred?

What could she have against me? I have no clue what I even did to her. I just went through things, and I really had no connection to Belarus, except that I know she somewhat disliked me through high school.

"You were always sucking up to Poland, just so you could get your minuscule lunch every single day," she spits at me.

"What does that have to do wi-"

"Shut up!" She seethes.

I close my mouth obediently.

"I always hated how you did that. And then for you to do the same to big brother, how could I not hate you?" She lets that sink in before moving on. "All you ever were was a lee-"

Before she can continue, everything goes black, and I fall to the ground, resulting in a loud thud.

(A/N) heheh, sorry it was short, I just wanted one more chapter after this. And I may or may not have decided Oslo's fate... Please don't hate me!!!!! >.< XOXO

-Kaylie Catastophe

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