Chapter 12

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(A/N) Heeey! I just have to say, thank you all so much! Over 100 reads! I'm so thankful for all of my readers. WARNING: if you're against people being... Gay, just skip this chapter, I don't want the hate.

Chapter Status: Not Edited


Oslo's POV

I lunge at my ringing phone, seeing it's my good friend, Poland, calling.

"Oslo, we should like, totally hang out soon," my gay guy friend exclaims immediately as I answer the call.

"Yes gaga yes," I smile.

"Like, I totally wanna see you today," his valley-girl drawl pipes through my phone.

"Oh my god, we should go shopping today," I suggest.

"Yeeeeesss! meet me at the mall in an hour," I can hear his grin.

* * *

Poland and I reunite at the entrance of the mall, happiness the only thing in the air around us. He has been my bestie since sixth- no fifth grade, and he is literally the best friend I've ever had.

"What's new, girl?" He laughs.

"Oh my god," I smile, putting my hands on my head. "So much has happened since I moved!"

"Like what like what like what!? I LIKE, TOTALLY HAVE TO KNOW!" Poland pries, basically jumping up and down.

"Well," I blush. "I have a boyfriend, as of a couple days ago."

"Ooh! Tell me literally everything you know about him!!! Is he like, cute?!" Poland is now literally jumping up and down.

"Well, I think so," my blush deepens.

* * *

"What's new with you?" I ask, after finally finishing answering his every question.

"Oh, not much, It still totally makes me sad that Lithuania won't be my friend after we've like, broken up," he begins.

"WHAT!? YOU NEVER TOLD ME THIS!" I interrupt him.

"Oh, I'm totally sorry. But I'm not even that worked up about it. It was like, mutual, if you could say that, I guess," he reminisces.

"Well that's good if you're not to sad," I reassure him.

Let's back up. Poland and Lithuania had been going out for about a year when I left, and they were so perfect! Okay, maybe not perfect. Lithuania is bi, so during the whole relationship he also liked Belarus, which complicated things a little bit. Turns out Belarus also liked Lithuania, even though she felt the same way about Russia. But jealousy got to her, and then Belarus threatened to murder Poland if they (Lithuania and Poland) didn't break up, at least that's what Poland told me. That's basically how complicated Poland's everyday social life is.

"Wow. In that sense you should be grateful for the breakup," I reason.

"Yeah," he grins in thought.

* * *

After our excursion at the mall, we went our separate ways with a, dare I say it, overly emotional goodbye. But that's okay, it's not like I'll see him everyday.

I look through the newest photos in my camera roll. Poland really enjoys photo spamming people...

* * *

When I get home, I remember I didn't tell my mom about Iceland yet. Crap! I find her sitting at the kitchen counter, reading a book.

"Hey mom? I need to tell you something," I say cautiously, unsure of how she will react to my first boyfriend.

"Yeah, Oslo?" She looks up from her book.

"Um... Iceland is my boyfriend," I smile at her.

"I knew you two would eventually start dating!" She exclaims. "But aren't you worried things are going to fast? You only just met the boy a couple of days ago."

"I'm not sure, mom. I've never been in a relationship before, so I don't know what it's supposed to be like," I reply.

"I'm not stopping you, but I can't help but think that, if you move into this to fast, you might get hurt," she states grimly.

"I understand mom, thanks for telling me," I embrace her gratefully.

"I honestly called it, though."

Denmark's POV

I stagger through the front door. Iceland looks up at me questioningly, and I go crash note couch.i lay there for a while, drunken thoughts racing through my head. I hiccup, and a useful thought occurs to me.

"Hey, Icey," I call to him. Okay, so I might be a little more than drunk.

"What?" He snaps. Haha he's gonna love this.

"I wanna tell you a little something about relationships," I slur.

He looks at me as though I'm stupid, but trust me, I've been in a lot of relationships. To many to count. Well, I can't exactly count that high when I'm drunk...

"I've been in one before, dummass."

Oh great, you're gonna get pissy with me now, are you?

"Iceland, you're so mean. Just let me tell ya' something," I beckon for him to come to me.

He looks disgusted by me. Heh. Wonder why? I'm to awesome to be disgusting.

"I'm not going anywhere near you. You're really drunk. Go take a nap."

"If she has a gay best friend," I begin. I hiccup, "she's a keeper."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"She'll accept you... For you," my eyes flutter shut, pulling me into a drunken dream state.

Iceland's POV

That... Was weird. However, I can see where he was going with that, I guess. If one of her best friends was gay, she would probably support them. Does that mean she would support and accept most of my own beliefs or decisions?

Denmark was probably just to drunk to know what he was saying. He was just out drinking with his friends, Prussia and America earlier, so he's naturally shit-faced. Whatever, Denmark is the type of person that, when they get drunk, they turn into a philosopher or something. In fact, I think in his drunken moments are the smartest I've seen him.

I sulk out of the main room where Denmark lies, unconscious on the couch. I don't understand that man.

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