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Jasper's p.o.v

"Jasper next week your girlfriend will no longer be a baby next week."

I laughed as bonnie came in carrying kai like a little child. I took kai from bonnie

"Bonnie your wrong, she will still be a baby now matter what, I say kissing her."

"My baby."

"See you would be cute right now, if you were my boyfriend."

"Stop being like that."

"Stop giving me a reason too then."

I sighed not really wanting to flight with her right now about this. She gets up going off to smoke probably.

"Jasper she's afraid she's gonna lose you."

"Bonnie what does that mean?"

"Her second to last boyfriend did something like this, the whole 'let's connect before we make it official thing' and ended up cheating on her and smashing her heart in pieces."

"Bonnie she never told me."

"Well she's not going to, she rather keep her pain inside rather than seem broken."

I walked to the door and I could feel everything she was feeling. Scared. Fear. Aniexty. I went and sat next to her and grabbed her hand lacing it with mine.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologized, it not your fault I never told you."

"Why didn't you?"

"I didn't wanna seem more pathetic that I already was, I was even shocked you even had remote interest in me. I didn't want to give you a reason to run."

"Nothing you could say would make me run from you, you are perfect to me, I say wiping the tear that was falling from her eye."

"Well maybe that cancer thing in your hand."

"Sorry I can help my addiction much like your thing with human blood."

"I know but im slowly trying to fix that addiction."

"Okay then jas I'll make you a deal, I'll try to cut this smoking habit if you promise to work on your bloodlust."

"Fine but its just that since your my blood singer, it smells a 1000x sweeter than the average human and if kinda drives me crazy sometimes."

"Is that how come you turn stone like sometimes?"

"Yes but I didn't think you noticed."

"I did, I notice a lot of things you think I don't see."

"I know why do you think I asked you to be mine I say kissing her."

Kai's p.o.v

Jasper left about an hour ago to go hunting and to help Alice with something. So me and bonnie were at home practicing witch stuff when someone knocks on the door.

"Is it Jasper?"

"No he's home, he said he would come over later."

I get up and answer the door only to find Edward standing there.


"Hi kai, sorry for not calling but I need to talk to you."

"Um okay, come in, don't mind the mess."


"Yeah she's practicing witch stuff but sit you can sit on the couch."

"So what can I help you with Eddie?"

"Um my mate is the new girl and I was wondering if you could be friend her and maybe help me with her?"

"Sure and let me guess, you didn't tell Rosalie yet?"

"No because she may like you but from what she's heard from Alice, she dislikes her."

"Figures, I'll make the final judgement on her, but why me?"

"Your the only I feel close enough to, to ask of this."

I didn't say anything expect for leaning in and hugging him. He hugged back.

"Thank you."

He left and I decided to go upstairs and rest. But that wasn't going go happen. I had a nightmare about my parents death. I woke shaking and crying my phone buzzed.

J: Alice had a vision, saying your crying and shaking

K: It was a nightmare about their death

J: open your window, I'll be there in 5, I gonna make sure my girl is alright.

I smiled and went to lift my window up, I sat back down and the emotions came running back to me.

"Shh princess, its alright I'm here now."

He takes me in his arms pulling me closer to him, rocking me back and forth. 

"It seemed so real though, like I was there, like I.."

"Like you what?"

"Like I'm the reason their dead, omgod jasper."

"Babe, babe calm down, your not the reason, he says wiping my eyes."

"You didn't cause your parents death, no one could've predicted that they would die when they went out, okay?"

I nod my head looking at him. He leans in and kisses me.

"Come on lay back down and try to rest."

"Your staying right?"

"Yes of course, he says laying against my headboard."

I laid down on his chest and to him stroking my hair and to him kissing my forehead.

Who Knows What The Future Will Bring Us(Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now