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Kai's p.o.v

This is really starting to hurt. Why couldn't Klaus or one of the idiots told me it was gonna burn when the transformation was happening. Mental note: slap all of them when I wake. Suddenly the burning stopped and my eyes opened up. I could see everything ten times clearer than before like the piece of hair on my floor.

"Hey monkey."

I look over and seen jace  sitting at the edge of my bed. I couldn't focus on what he was saying only his heart beating.

"Hey jace, I say wrapping my hands around him."

"Princess come on its time for you to hunt."

"Okay that might be best, I say following Klaus."

I get up moving at super sonic speed. We went to the mountains and he made me get all my food. I caught a mountain lion and was about to catch a lion when I seen him.


I bolted home making doors and windows shake from the emotions.

"Kai please calm down, your emotions are heightened as vampire."

"How? Why did all of them come back Elijah?"

"I don't know but please sit down and try to relax."

I sat down and the windows and doors stopped shaking for awhile. We were talking when bonnie came downstairs.

"Our presence is needed at the Cullen household."


"I don't know Alice just called me but come on, I'm bringing Klaus with us."

We got in the car and started driving to their house and when we got there all the stuff he said before he left kept coming back to me.

"I can't."

"Okay. We'll be inside if you change your mind."

I sat outside on the porch while they went inside but oh god I smelled her from out here.

Rosalie's p.o.v

After reading Kai's letter from returning home I felt my heartbreaking. I didn't mean to hurt her, I mean I should have stayed with her instead of leaving. So Alice called her and bonnie over that way we could all vote for Bella.

"Hey bonnie and Klaus, where's kai?"

"Outside, she's all over the place."

I walked outside and seen her sitting on the porch. Her short black hair was longer now and had grey streaks in it.

"Hey Kai."

She looks at me and I see how hard she's trying not to cry behind her red eyes.

"You left me? Why?"

"Kai please understand."

"Understand what? How I thought we were friends and then you up and leave me without an explanations or a goodbye?"

"Kai I didn't want to hurt you all over again and it was much easier for me to leave than to see you hurt. Kai please I know now that I should've stayed or maybe said goodbye believe me its hurting me as much as it is you. I'm sorry kai."

I noticed she crying and that's when I noticed it was raining. Her emotions must control the weather as her gift. I hugged her and seen her starting to ease up a bit. The rain let up and she smiles.

"Please don't leave again."

"I won't, you need to talk to jasper. Your letter tore him up with some much guilt."

"I know I need a day or two to adjust to this vampire life."

"Come on they want you to vote on Bella becoming a vampire."

Kai's p.o.v

We walked in and I could feel his eyes on me as well as the other Cullen's.

"Hey kai, welcome back esme says hugging me."

"Hi Esme."

"Kai do you think I should become one?"

"Honestly no not really, i haven't seen any reason why you need to become a vampire. Besides you being super selfish and not caring about anyone else's feelings. You have a normal life you need to live before you become this. Edward isn't going anywhere, hell be here. So my vote remains no."

"That's kinda hypocritical since you became one.

"Uh oh Edward you might want to get Bella now."

I was faster than Edward and had Bella in a chokehold pinned against the wall.

"I was dying how about you ask my pregnant best friend what that was like for her?"

"Come on little one, I think that's enough for today, Klaus says pulling me off her."

"Bonnie's pregnant? Rose says smiling."

"Yes with Klaus's hybrid baby, we found out a month ago."

"That's amazing."

"It is."

Jasper's p.o.v

Seeing her earlier hunting was amazing, she was doing really well surprisingly. She in the midst of a hunt when she saw me and ran off. But then when she walked in with rose she looked 1000x better as a vampire. Her skin was radiating off diamonds in the suns, her brunettes hair was now longer and had grey streaks running through it. I smiled when she walked in her red eyes piercing mine as she walked by. Then I was overflown with her emotions. Scared. Fear. Confused. Happy. Anger. Kai was getting ready to leave so I went to stop her so we can talk.

"Hey kai."

"Hey Jasper, looked I know we need to talk about us and everything that happened but can we wait a couple of days?"

"Yes take all the time you need. I'm just glad your Alive."

"I'm glad your finally home, she says smiling at me before getting in the car."

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