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Kai's p.o.v

It's been a weeks since they left and the pain is so hard to bear. Everyone is asking me questions about where they were and why they left. I mostly ignore them but Bella is even worst, she keeps trying to be my friend and I don't want her friendship. She's the reason he left me. I was in my room cleaning up the mess from when I lost it when my phone rang. Unknown caller.


They didn't say anything and then that's when something hit me that it might be Jasper.

"Jasper if this is you, I want you to know I love you and won't give up on you."

I ended the call and took a breath hoping that will give him the power to come back home.

"Hey monkey, how you feeling?"

"Hey jace, I could be better."

"Whose Jasper?"

"He was my boyfriend but were mates but he left after his brother attacked Bella."

"Was he the reason you were in the woods that night?"

"He broke up with that night, saying I needed to live a normal human life and that he won't be back for a few years."

"Normal human life? Your defiantly not normal."


"You look tired maybe you should lie down for a bit?"

"Yeah maybe I should."

"I'm in the room next to you, if you need me."


I laid down and he covered me up kissing my head before he leaves.

Jace's p.o.v

I smiled as I turned and saw kai fast asleep. She was defiantly at peace with she was asleep. I was leaving when Klaus came upstairs.

"How is she?"

"Asleep she still hurting, I know what she's going through."

"Thank you for looking after her and extending your stay."

"It's nothing, I think she's growing on me."

"She has that effect on people."

It was the middle of the night when I heard my door open. I looked up and saw her standing there crying.

"I can't sleep, is it okay if I lay with you?"

I move over and pat the spot next to me. Once she climbs in I cover us up. She snuggles into my chest and she was fast asleep.

Jasper's p.o.v

The house was destroyed from all my anger at myself for leaving kai. When I called her just hearing her voice made me more upset.

"Jasper I had a vision of kai today."

My head shot up in Alice's direction. I followed her outside to where we both could sit.

"What is it?"

"Jasper I think we should head home kai is slowly killing herself, she hasn't slept in days, she's smoking again, I saw her looking at ways to make death come quick."

My heart broke all over hearing that again. Maybe I made a mistake.

"No I can't it's too soon. Maybe in a couple of months we can."

Who Knows What The Future Will Bring Us(Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now