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Kai's p.o.v

I was in Klaus's studio working on just painting out my feelings. I didn't realize he had came in.

"Wow this is amazing, explain it to me?"

"Its a visual representation of what's going on in my head."

"I'm sorry but I have some good news for you."

"What is it?"

"Bonnie's pregnant."

"I'm going to be aunt? Wait seriously?"

"Yes she found two weeks ago, we wanted to let you have your time before we told you."

"This is amazing. I'm so happy for you guys!"

I set the paint down and hugged him. We were hugging when my phone rang again. I pulled it out and seen that unknown caller ID again.

"Kai Petrova Bennett please don't tell me its true. How can you love me and still look at ways to quick death."

"Jasper is it really you?"


I pulled the phone away from my ear and broke down in tears. Klaus grabs the phone from me.

"Jasper she needs you. Please."

"I know look tell her I'll be back in two months or sooner and that I love her more than anything."

He sits down on the floor wrapping his arms around me. I couldn't remember why I kept crying maybe because he was coming back. Me and Klaus went outside and I came face to face with a very shirtless jace.

"Enjoy the view princess?"

Very. The voice in my head said while visioning the things I want to do to him.

"Its okay."

I walked passed him and sat on the swing. He comes and sits next me smiling at me.

"Princess you know you like what you see."

"And so what if I do?"

He leans and kisses me. It was electric but not as electric as it was with Jasper. We pulled away and he smiles before grabbing my hand.

"Look I know your mate is coming back and I know we would never be nothing more."

"Its okay, I get it I was curious too. I just don't want to loose you as a friend."

"You won't, Klaus would most likely kill me before I could."

I giggled at him before hugging him. I was really greatful for what he has done for me since jasper has left.

"Hey kai."

My head snapped at the sound of Bella's voice.

"Why are you here?"

"I wanted to talk to you, but you keep avoiding me."

"Because your the reason he left! The reason why he broke up with me."

"Maybe he was already going to do that?"

I slapped her so hard that my handprint was left on her face. She leaves and bonnie is standing there.

"Sorry enchantress."

"Don't be, she's gonna get hers one day."

"I know but I'm so happy for you and Klaus."

"I am too, I'm still shocked that it even happened."

We walked inside and sat down on the couch.

"Is it true about Jasper?"

"Yeah soon."

"At least soon is better than three years."

"Yeah I don't hate him for what he did, I kinda almost get it."

"But you wish he hadn't broke up with you and all."

"Yeah I'm glad you get it."

She smiles at me grabbing my hand placing my hand on her small but growing belly. I smile at the fact I'm going to be an aunt.

Jasper's p.o.v

After hearing what Alice told me about what kai was doing I decided to call her.

"Kai Petrova Bennett please don't tell me its true. How can you love me and still look at ways to quick death."

"Jasper is it really you?"


She must have pulled the phone away from her because I heard her sobs faintly which hurt me even more. Then Klaus picks up.

"Jasper she needs you. Please."

"I know look tell her I'll be back in two months or sooner and that I love her more than anything."

I smiled that I got to hear her voice some more even if it was for short while. In February I'll go home and be her finally again.

Who Knows What The Future Will Bring Us(Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now