Grave of Importance

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After 3 more houses of people who knew the victims. We decided to actually check out the house where all this happened, I changed out of my FBI suit and back into my faded blue jeans and a black tank top and a plaid flannel shirt.
"This should be interesting" I say grabbing a salt gun out of the trunk.
"Yeah, based on what the families told us. Arthur is one messed up ghost" Dean says while loading his shot gun.
Once we get the salt shells and flashlights, Sam picks the lock on the door.
"Here, ghosty ghosty" Dean says waving his flashlight around.
"Are you trying to make him mad" I ask in a whisper.
He shrugs his shoulders, and walks further down the hallway.
"What are we going to do with him" I ask Sam.
"I've been asking myself that question my whole life" Sam says.
"You think the ghost is going to try again"? I ask glancing over my shoulder.
"Who knows. This guy goes after couples, seeing as how don't have that it might be tricky to get his attention" Sam says stopping to look at a spot on the floor.
"What" I ask standing next to him.
"Ectoplasm" Sam says cursing.
"Damn" I sigh.
"You have to be one seriously pissed off ghost to make that stuff" Sam says standing back up.
I look around, where'd Dean go? He was right here.
"Where's Dean"? I ask shining my flashlight where Dean was.
"He was right there" Sam says slowly moving up the hall.
"He's not there now" I say quietly.
"Dean" Sam whisper yells as we walk.
No response. It's eerily quiet.
"Dean" I say a little louder this time.
Something taps my shoulder, I jump and spin around. Dean.
"Dean. I almost shot you. Answer us when we call you" I grumble trying to calm my racing heart.
"You alright man" Sam asks his brother.
He just stares at us, a Cheshire like grin on his face. His eyes vacant.
"Dean" I ask putting my hand on his arm.
"Dean's not home right now. Would you like to leave a message" A garbled voice asks.
I step back startled by the voice that came out of Dean.
"Arthur got to you didn't he" Sam asks not really expecting an answer.
"What are you doing in my house" Arthur asks, his voice broken.
"You've been around a long time, figure it out" I say flicking the safety off on my shot gun.
"Hunters" He hisses.
"Give the ghost a prize" Sam says slowly backing up.
"Got to hand it to ya Arthur, did not see you as playing for both teams" I say getting ready to shoot Dean with rock salt.
Arthur tilts Dean's head to one side.
"Sorry Dean" I say pulling the trigger.
The impact sending Dean to the floor unconscious.
"I officially hate this ghost" Sam mutters kneeling next to Dean.
"Yeah. Is he ok" I ask also kneeling by Dean.
"It'll hurt when he wakes up. He's had worse" Sam says pulling one of Dean's arms over his shoulder, hauling his brother to his feet.
I take Sam's duffel bag, as we walk out of the house.
"We need to find his bones, fast" I say tossing the stuff in the trunk.
"His obituary says he's in the town cemetery. In an unmarked grave" Sam says putting Dean in the back seat.
"That figures" I say jumping in the car next to Sam.
We speed to the cemetery, and grab the gas and matches and shovels.
"What about Dean" I ask pointing at the unconscious man.
"He should be fine. We can find the bones ourselves" Sam says already moving to the gates.
I look at Dean one more time before running after Sam.
"You see it yet" I ask after catching up to him.
"No" He says swinging his flashlight around.
"Of course his grave is unmarked" I mutter also using my flashlight on the many headstones.
I can't believe I shot Dean with rock salt, we just started working together and not even a day into this hunt I shoot Dean. Come on Ryan he was possessed by a ghost, but the little voice in my head whispers; he's going to be mad at you.
"Ryan" Sam yells.
Was he talking to me.
"Yeah" I call back trying to figure where his voice came from.
"Didn't you hear me calling you" He asks suddenly appearing in front of me.
I shake my head once and look away.
"I found it. Let's go" Sam says pointing somewhere over his shoulder.
I follow behind him without saying a word.
We both as fast as we can dig up the coffin, I see my breath hang the air. Arthur is somewhere.
"Heads up" I say reaching for my sawed off only to have it fly away from my hand.
"You think I will let you get away with this" Arthur demands, using his ghost mojo to fling me onto the grass clearing.
"Ryan" Sam yells stopping what he's doing.
"Burn the bones. I got this" I yell back to him.
He hesitates for a second but then jumps back into the hole.
"What? You thought we'd give up" I ask struggling to sit up, while he's holding me there.
"I was thinking once I attacked cheek bones. You and the tall one would back off"
Cheek bones? Ok he has a tiny point Dean has nice cheek bones.
"You were wrong" I say looking around for my gun.
"But here you are, he's all the way over there and cheek bones is unconscious. Who is going to save you" He asks.
I look over my shoulder and thank whoever because my shot gun is there. I reach as far as I can reach until I can get my finger tips on the handle.
"Hey Arthur, taste this" I snap at him.
Shooting him full of rock salt.
He disappears, which means his ghost mojo isn't holding me down.
"Hurry up, rock salt won't keep him down for long" I call to Sammy.
"The lid is stuck" He yells back.
"I put a crow bar in your duffel" I yell.
I sit on my knees and wait for a few minutes before jogging to Sam.
He looks up at me, all sweaty and dirt covered.
"Thanks" He says after cracking the lid on the coffin, still really out of breath.
I hand him the gas and salt, plus a whole book of matches.
"Do you think burning his bones will stop the echoes" I ask also feeling out of breath.
"Yeah, he's fuelling them. We kill him, their energy source is gone" Sam explains in a breathy voice.
I nod and step back as the fire starts.
We painstakingly slowly fill the grave back in, both of us throughly exhausted from all the work. We walk back to the impala.
"Dean is still out" Sam sighs not surprised by this.
"Ghost possession will do that to you" I sigh getting in the front seat.
Sam nods.
We drive back to the motel, I carry in all the items we'll need for the three of us in the morning. Sam of course carries in his older brother and deposited him less than gracefully on his bed.
"Night Sammy" I say from the door way to my room.
"Night Ryan" Sam mumbles sounding asleep on his feet.
I close the door and try to shake the feeling that Dean will be pissed off about me shooting him with rock salt. Without even changing my clothes I crash on my bed.

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