All Hell Breaks Loose pt 2

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In a haze, Dean and Bobby carry Sam's body, to the impala. I trail behind, not wanting to see anything, I look away.
"Ryan" Bobby asks.
Was he taking to me? I blink and look at him.
"Yeah" I ask not recognizing my own voice.
"Dean's heading to a house about twenty minutes from my place. You should go with him" He urges casting a pain filled look at the older Winchester.
I nod and walk to the impala and get in the front seat.
No words are spoken, no music on the radio. Not the rhythmic clicking of Sam's laptop, I never thought I would actually miss that sound. How could this happen? How could stopping for food turn into this?
I'm pulled from my thoughts as the car stops moving, I look up and see a shabby old house that looks like it's abandoned.
"Dean" I ask reaching out to him, he doesn't move.
He gets out without looking up, he carries Sam inside and puts him in a room on a bed.
I hear cabinets being thrown open and the sound of bottles clinking together; whiskey.
"You plan on sharing" I ask softly sitting next to him at the small round table.
He hands the bottle over, I take a long drink before handing it back. I take a second to look at him, his eyes shining with tears yet none fall. His hands tinted red with Sam's blood, the slightest tremor in his hands.

-3 days later-

The sound of Dean and Bobby yelling startles me awake.
"You know where I'll be" Bobby says with a note of finality.
I decide to listen instead of investigating, I lay back down and pull my blanket over my shoulder. I hear Dean talking to Sam, and the grief stricken yell; What am I supposed to do?
Simply hearing the emotion in Dean's voice is enough to bring more tears to my eyes, I hug my knees to my chest and cry into them. Eventually the exhaustion wins out and I drift away into more restless sleep.
Once again I'm startled awake by noises in the next room, grabbing my gun and move to the room down the hall.
I kick the door open and gasp letting my gun fall out of my hand.
"Sam" I ask my voice trembling.
"Ryan" He asks squinting at me.
I rush across the room and hug him, he hugs me back just as tight.
"Are you ok" I ask holding him at an arms length.
"Yeah. I feel fine" He says.
We both turn when the front door flies open. Dean walks in.
He crossed the room in three steps, pulling his brother into a big hug. I swipe at the stray tears that are on my face.
"Dean, let him breathe" I say putting my hand on Dean's arm.
"Right. Sorry" Dean says letting Sam go.
"What happened" Sam asks looking between us.
"What do you remember" Dean asks.
"I saw you and Ryan, then pain. Like white hot, then that's it" Sam says shrugging his shoulders.
"That kid stabbed you in the back" I say wincing as the memory plays in my head.
"Dean, you can't patch a wound that bad" Sam says confused.
"Bobby found a spell" Dean says putting his hand on Sam's shoulder.
That must have been where he went before.
"Who was that kid anyway" I ask Sam.
"Jake. Did you guys get him" Sam asks.
"He disappeared into the woods" Dean says, ruefully.
Sam struggles to his feet.
"Dean, we gotta find him" Sam says grabbing Dean's shoulder.
"Wow, Sam you just woke up. Why don't we start with some food you hungry"? Dean asks.
Sam nods, Dean and I switch places while he gets some food. I lean into the half hug half support, so happy my bestie is back.
"You're really ok" I ask looking up at him.
"Yeah, I'm good" He nods.
We quickly eat last nights leftovers and pack up to head to Bobby's place.
Dean knocks on the door, a few seconds later Bobby pulls the door open.
"Hey Bobby" Sam says smiling a little.
I notice the look of shock on Bobby's face.
"Sam, its good to see you up and around" Bobby says, nodding at the younger Winchester letting us inside.
"We're back in, so what ya got" Dean asks.
"I've got some books in my car. Dean give me a hand" Bobby says.
The two of them leave.
I can't take my eyes off of the living breathing Sam in front of me.
"Your staring" Sam says looking up from a dusty box.
"Can you blame me"? I ask over my shoulder.
"I guess not" Sam says.
Sam and I are jolted out of quiet reading when the front door flies open almost off the hinges. Dean and Bobby- Ellen?
"Ellen" I ask, for the second time today shocked into silence.
"Yeah, it's me" She says sounding exhausted.
I rush over and hug her, she hugs me back.
"Ellen I am so sorry" I say, stepping back.
"Me too" She sighs.
We all sit down at the table, Bobby slides a shot of holy water across the table.
"Really Bobby? Holy water" She asks offended.
"Can't be too careful these days" Bobby says shrugging.
She downs the shot nothing happens. I sigh in relief.
"Whiskey now" She says.
After a couple shots of whiskey, and some grief filled silence. I decide it's the to figure out what is going on.
"Ellen what happened" I ask leaning on the table.
"We ran out of pretzels, of all things. By the time I got back it was up in smoke" Ellen explains, pouring another shot of whiskey.
"Ash said he found something big. But he wouldn't tell me over the phone" I say wishing Ash was still alive to tell us.
"He didn't tell me anything" Ellen says sadly.
I can feel the tension rolling off of Bobby and Dean. I look at Bobby, he simply shakes his head at me. Dean has  his jaw set and his arms crossed.
"What is Yellow eyes after" Dean asks a loud.
"Jake is the key, we know that Yellow eyes has the colt. Question is why does he need it" Sam says.
"Well pick a shelf and start reading" Bobby says gesturing to his vast library of books.
We spend the next few hours sifting through the lore.
"Got something" Bobby says.
We all go to his desk by the fire place.
"Samuel Colt" He says proudly.
"What about him" I ask standing next to Dean.
"He built railroads to connect five churches, in sunrise Wyoming" Bobby says laying out a map with the churches marked.
"So, he built churches what does it mean" Ellen asks staring at the map.
"These railways just so happens to lay out like this" He says taking a sharpie and tracing the railways.
They make a star. A devils trap. Hollowed ground demons can't get into.
"Is that a devils trap" Dean asks.
"Yeah. Also there have been a spike in omens in Wyoming around the trap" Bobby explains.
"Their circling. They can't get in" Sam says.
That's when it hits me, this is why Yellow eyes needs Jake. He's not a demon he can pass over the iron lines.
"No wonder Yellow eyes needs Jake, he can get inside the trap" I say.
"What would Samuel Colt need a 100 mile devils trap for" Ellen asks, musing out loud.
"Keep demons out" Dean asks.
"Or to keep something in" I say feeling a shiver run down my spine.
"I just had a troubling thought" Sam says wincing.
"Do tell" I say not sure I want to know what it is.
"It's a devils gate" Sam says gravely.
"Your right that is troubling" Dean says running a hand through his hair.
"We have to get there before Jake does" Bobby says gathering his jacket and pistol.
"Yep" I say also packing my stuff.

~Sunrise Wyoming-

We drive until we see one of the church's.
"Guys look" I say pointing at a figure standing at the door of the gate.
"That's Jake" Sam all but growls.
We get out and quickly and quietly sneak over to Jake. He's holding the colt. Not good.
"Welcome to the party" Jake says turning on us.

Dean POV

"Welcome to the party" Jake says, grinning at us.
I watch him like a hawk, since he's got those powers.
"Sweetheart, you know what to do with your gun" Jake says.
"Guys" Ryan says I look over and she's holding her gun aimed at her head.
"You think you can stop me before She blows her head off" Jake asks already backing up closer to the door.
"Didn't think so" Jake says putting the colt in the door.
I look at Bobby and he nods.
*the door opens and Sam shoots Jake*
I grab Ryan's gun and pull it away from her head just as the round is fired.
"Look" She says pointing at the gate.
The colt is turning, like some clock mechanism. I pull the colt out, the damn keeps going.
"Take cover" Bobby yells.
Sammy dives behind a headstone, I grab Ryan's hand and pull her with me behind a tombstone. I hold her close to my side as the thunder and lightning starts up.
"What are we gonna do now" I yell at Bobby over the noise.
"We gotta close it" Bobby yells back.
I knew he was going to say that.
"I know" I yell back.
"Come on Dean, let's go" Ryan says getting up.
I jump up and check on Sam as Bobby Ellen and Ryan rush to the door.
"The colt" Sam says getting up.
"If Yellow eyes gave the gun to Jake, maybe" I say checking if any bullets are left.
"Boys shouldn't play with guns"
I spin around only to be demon chucked into a headstone.

Ryan POV

"Dean" Sam and I yell at the same time.
Before I can say another word Sam is off and running to Dean only to get demon Velcro-ed to a tree.
Ellen and Bobby and I struggle with the door trying to close it before too many demons escape. I look over my shoulder Yellow eyes is talking to Dean but I can't make out what he's saying, a bolt of lightning splits the sky then standing behind Yellow eyes is- no there's no way. It's John Winchester, he tackles Yellow eyes they struggle and finally with all of our combined strength we shut the door. I close my eyes for a second a gun shot fills the air, I open my eyes greeted by Yellow eyes flashing orange then dropping like a stone.
I push myself off the cold metal door and stumble over to the Winchesters who are standing over Yellow eyes.
"I don't know what to say" Sam says not taking his eyes of the body at his feet.
"I do. That was for our mom you son of b***h" Dean says.
Somewhere in the back of my mind I remember that Bobby looked really surprised to see Sam today, I walk over to him and lean on the back of his car.
"Let me guess. You didn't bring him back" I say looking at the ground.
I see him shake his head out of the corner of my eye.
I push off the fender and march over to the impala, just in time to hear.
"How could you make that deal" Sam demands, his eyes shining a little brighter than normal.
"How long did you get" I snap effectively startling Dean.
His eyes also shining with emotion.
"A year" He says softly ducking his head.
I shake my head, I can't believe I didn't see this coming.
Dean opens the trunk, holding the colt in his hands. I move so I am starting in between them. He drops it in.
"We have work to do"

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