Part of our family ❤️

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Dean POV
"Ryan can you hear me" Sam asks.
"She's out cold. He really did a number on her" I say through my teeth.
I can't help but wince looking at the dark crimson patches covering most of her tiny frame.
Her breathing is raspy almost hitching in the back of her throat, that worries me what if he broke her ribs.
"Sam go get the car. We gotta get her back to the motel " I say.
He nods and rushes back out the door, I inventory the damage done to Ryan.
It's sickening that someone could do this type of damage and then leave her to die.
I hear the sound of my car outside the door, I gently pull her into my arms and quickly stride out the room.
"Dean say something" Sam asks.
"Like I said. I'm gonna kill him" I say.
Glancing down at Ryan in my arms.
"Trust me I am right there with you. My point is that Austin is human...So we probably shouldn't ventilate him" He says.
"Sam do you see what he did. It is pretty far from human if you ask me" I say.
"Ok ok Dean we get Ryan fixed up. Then we kill him" Sam says.
Sam stands on the gas pedal we speed to the motel. I readjust Ryan in my arms only to find my hands covered in blood.
"Oh god" I say.
"How's she doing" Sam asks.
"Bad man she's bleeding I don't know from where or how bad it is" I say.
I look at the ceiling to try to curb the tears forming in my eyes. I'm going to find him and gut him like a fish for hurting my girl, I'm willing myself not go all alistair on his ass.
"Are we there yet Sam"? I ask.
He simply shakes his head keeping his eyes on the road. It feels like an eternity has gone by when Sam finally pulls into the motel parking lot.

Ryan POV

Pain. That's all that is registering in my head right now. But vaguely I can hear Deans voice the smell of whiskey on his leather jacket. If I could just open my eyes or say something anything tell them to make the pain go away. But I'm stuck inside my body like a prison. I have no control over my body. Just laying in Dean's arms beaten and broken, but at least I'm safe now.

Dean POV

"Call Bobby tell him that we found Ryan and tell him to track Austin down" I say.
"So I can kill the bastard" I say.
If we weren't in this situation where we didn't just find our new member of team free will beaten and bloody I would be happy to have her in my arms. But fate is sick like that and she is all beaten up and bloody.
I carefully get out of the impala and pull Ryan out with me hoping that I don't make her injuries worse.
"Sam go get the first aid kit from the trunk. And get Bobby on the phone he has some explaining to do" I say rushing into the motel room.
"Got it" Sam says crashing into the room.
Ryan POV
I blink my eyes open, we're back at the motel. I look around the room is empty I look at my legs they are all bandaged my arms too. My ribs are wrapped up tight I actually feel ok as compared to when I woke up the last time I saw Austin, there's a post it stuck to the lamp shade. I reach up and grab it 'Hey went on food run be back soon, Dean' well at least their getting food.
I swing my legs around and push to a sitting position, I grab the nightstand and pull myself to my feet.
"Ok, Ryan you are fine. It was worse last time. You are ok" I say walking into the kitchenette for some water.
I lean on the counter and drink the whole glass full of water.
*sam and dean walk in*
"Hey boys" I say smiling at them.
"See, Sam I told you she'd be up when we got back" Dean says chuckling putting the food on the table.
"Yeah and she is hungry" I say walking carefully to the table.
"Yeah, that's why we brought food" Sam laughs sitting down.
I look from Sam to Dean, I can tell they both have questions they want to ask but they are waiting for me to be ready to answer questions about what happened.
"It's killing the both of you, so just ask" I say around a bite of burger.
"Ok, who the hell is that asshat" Dean asks leaning toward me.
"That was Austin Rose. An old ex who didn't want to be an ex" I say simply.
"There's more to it than that" Sam says quietly.
"Isn't there always" I say sipping my beer.

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