The 7 Sins

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The sound of my phone ringing drags me out of a sort of good night sleep.
"It's six am, Bobby this better be good" I grumble into the phone.
"It is. Grab the boys we have a case" He says before hanging up. I toss my phone on the bed and drag my hands down my face, after a long couple of minutes and I get showered and dressed and walk through the adjoining door.
"Morning sleeping beauty's. Bobby caught a case" I say loud enough to wake both of them.
Sam nods tiredly, Dean mumbles a curse but gets up anyway.
We would have been on time to meet Bobby if Dean hadn't decided that bacon cheeseburgers were the perfect breakfast item.
"So, we're eating bacon cheeseburgers for breakfast" Bobby asks.
"Sold my soul, I ain't sweating the cholesterol" Dean says taking another bite and smiling at Bobby.
Who waves his hand dismissively at the elder Winchester.
"What's the deal here" I ask, looking around for well anything.
"You hear that" He asks.
I stop and listen. Secedes.
"Secedes" Sam says, sounding a little sceptical.
"There's a family. Haven't been seen in days" Bobby says, while we walk to the door.
*Dean bangs on the door*
"Candy gram" He says loudly.
Dean's call goes unanswered, which makes my heart beat a little faster. Sam kicks the door in- oh god that's a nasty smell.
"That's not a good sign" I say, scanning the front hall.
"No, no it is not" Dean says, drawing his gun.
Sam and Bobby and I follow suit, slowly we walk into the smelly house.
"Guys. In here" Bobby says.
We walk in, the family that owns the house all dead and look like jerky.
"What happened here" I ask, holding my sleeve to my nose.
"Looks like they sat down and never got up again" Bobby says.
*Dean whistles*
We all freeze, he walks to the front door and goes out on the porch. About ten seconds later we hear a thud and we rush out to see Dean on the floor.
"Tamara"? Bobby asks, shocked.
"Bobby" The woman asks, also sounding shocked.
"Hello? Bleeding here" Dean groans from his place on the deck.
"Dean" I ask dropping to my knees next to him.
"You ok"? I ask putting my hand on his shoulder.
He nods and climbs to his feet.
"You don't just go around knocking people on the floor! What's the matter with you"? I ask also standing back up.
"Who are you" This 'Tamara' chick asks glaring at me.
"Ryan Blake" I snap.
"Never heard of you" The man snaps.
"Let's go inside, before someone gets shot" Bobby says, pointing to the door.
Dean and I walk inside, effectively pissed off.
"What brings you both down this way"? Bobby asks.
"Omens" The man says, curtly.
"Ya think. Just found the extra dried family in the other room" I say, putting my hands on my hips.
"Well, we are here to handle this so you can go" Tamara says.
I look at Dean, feeling my anger boil.
"Looks like you two need some help here. Why turn away a group of hunters"? Dean asks, moving to stand next to me.
"We don't play well with others" The man says.
"Let's go" I say turning on my heel and storming back to the impala, Sam and Dean on my heels.
Before I can say a word about them, the police scanner crackles to life; strange homicide in shoe store.
"Let's get there" Sam says, jumping in his spot.
We speed into town and sure enough the place is taped off and cops are doing there thing. We grab our FBI badges and walk into the crime scene.
"The woman was stabbed to death with a high heel shoe by another woman in the front. Who knew shoes could to that much damage" I say, glancing around the shop.
Bobby walks in, wearing his FBI suit.
"Don't you look fancy" I say, smiling at him.
"Just came from the jail. None of the usual signs, no black outs, no smelling sulphur nothing. She just really wanted those shoes" Bobby explains, shaking his head.
"Maybe big brother was watching" Dean says, pointing to the ceiling.
I follow his gaze. A security camera.
"That's perfect" Sam chuckles.
We con our way into the security room, and watch three hours of footage. Bobby walks in carrying coffees and doughnuts.
"Anything" He asks, handing out the coffees.
"A guy that could be a guy or he could be our guy" Sam says, pointing the scruffy guy out on the screen.
The video distorts on this guys face, in a way I've never seen before. This has the guy who we are looking for.
"I've never seen that before" Sam says, leaning on his knees.
"That has to be our guy" I say, still staring at the screen.
"Let's see who knows him" Sam says, grabbing the now printed photo of scruffy.
Dean and I spend the rest of the day tailing this John Doe's picture around town.
We get into Bobby's car.
"Find anything"? Bobby asks.
"Spent all day, tailing this guy. One scuzzy bar, two scuzzy strip clubs and now this place" Dean grumbles messing with his jacket.
"We ended up here" I sigh, watching the door.
Sam knocks on the window causing Dean and I to jump.
"Hey, he's still in there" Sam says, after laughing at Dean's face.
"So, what's the plan" I ask leaning on the back of Dean's seat.
"We wait and see. We don't know what this guy is capable of" Bobby says.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Isaac and Tamara walking to the front door of the bar.
"Bobby, look" I say pointing at them.
"Balls" He says, slamming his hand on the wheel.
About three minutes later all hell breaks loose, Bobby has the bright idea to drive his car into the bar. We jump out to see Isaac drinking drain cleaner, and seven demons standing around watching Issac die. We throw holy water all over them, they sizzle and burn.
"Dean come on we need to go" I yell, throwing the passenger door open.
But he keeps tossing more at them, and shoves shoe guy in the trunk. He gets in, finally.
I jog up the steps of the house and drag a chair into the living room for shoe demon, just in time for Dean who is dragging him into the house. Sam and Dean tie him to the provided chair, Bobby grabs the demon killing knife and settles in front of shoe guy.
"What do you want" I ask him.
"We already have what we want. We're free" He smiles.
"Why did you tell that woman to kill that other woman" Sam asks.
"She really wanted those shoes" He says, in a sing song voice.
Dean flings some holy water on him, he cries out when it burns his skin.
"Wait until you meet my friends, you are going to love them" He smiles.
A heavy silence fills the room, Bobby ducks out probably looking for an exorcism or something.
We wait for him in the front hall way.
"I can't believe you left him there" Tamara yells.
"There's nothing we could have done, Tamara" I say, softly.
"I'm going to get my husband" She all but growls.
"I'll go with you" Dean nods.
"That's suicide Dean" Sam says.
"Are you insane? Dean, these are demons six other demons. This isn't some lone demon, did you not see what happened to Issac back there" I demand, half yelling at him.
I barely noticed Bobby walk back in with a big book.
"Hey! Do you know who we are dealing with here"? Bobby asks, looking up from the book.
"No. Who" I ask, tearing my eyes away from Dean.
"The seven deadly sins. Live and in the flesh, I couldn't suss it out before until Issac. He was touched by an awful gluttony, the costumer in the other room that's envy" Bobby says.
"The seven deadly sins"? Sam asks.
"These guys haven't been topside in over a millennia. Until now" Bobby explains.
"I don't care if they are the three stooges. I'm going to slaughter every single one of them" Tamara yells.
"We already tried it your way and looked what happened. These guys are old I'm talking dark times many evils. So we are going to stay here and figure out what our next move is"! He says, the last part loudly.
He takes a breath.
"I'm sorry for your loss" He says to Tamara.
"How's your nose" I ask, Dean who is leaning on the wall.
"Not broken" He sighs, scratching the back of his neck.
I nod.
"I know that you sold your soul, but don't go out of your way to get killed" I say, looking at him.
He blinks, but nods quickly.
"Good. Now, go keep an eye on Tamara will ya"? I ask pointing in the direction the female hunter went.
He smiles.
"Yes ma'am" He says, mock saluting before walking away.
I walk over to Sam.
"I guess we should gear up, according to our scruffy friend in there we are expecting guests" I say, grabbing the duffel bag Dean left in the living room.
"Yeah, and we don't know what they are going to be able to do. These are demons we've never seen before" Sam says, while loading his shotgun.
I handle my own weapons, until a crash outside makes me jump.
"Tamara" the muffed voice of Issac sounds from behind the door.
I run over to her before she throws the door open.
"That's not him. One of them is wearing him" I whisper, while pointing my gun with iron rounds in it at the door.
"Let me go, he's my husband" She cries, pulling against my hold on her arm.
"You left me. We promised we would never leave each other, what about our daughter Tamara" Issac broken voice taunts.
Tamara let's out a pained cry and surges forward through the door taking me to the ground as I lost my grip.
"Tamara! No" I yell, scrabbling to my feet.
Only to see a flurry of colour and quickly being knocked to the ground again.
"Should have kept the door shut" She sneers.
I shoot her with my gun, one to the leg. The shock makes her loose her balance enough so I can kick her off of me.
"Demons incoming" I yell, again scrabbling to my feet.
"How many" Bobby asks, running in from the back room.
"Six and they aren't happy" I say, looking over my shoulder.
"Where's Tamara" Sam asks, out of breath.
"Out front, there's a demon possessing Issac's body. I couldn't stop her" I say, grabbing the holy water flask.
We split up each taking on our own sin.
"You started the party without me"? Demon in a nice suit asks.
"Let me guess you're pride"? I ask, shrugging my shoulders.
"Ding, we have a winner" He sneers at me.
"It's going to be a long night" I sigh glaring at pride.
I back up hoping to draw him into the devils trap on the ceiling, he stops walking. Damn.
"You really thought you could fool me. Me"? He asks.
I shrug my shoulders.
"I was hoping it might" I say loading up my salt gun.
I fire off a couple rounds, only to be demon chucked into the wall. I blink rapidly and see a girl stabbing the demons with a knife, I watch in awe that a knife is actually killing these demons.
Once all of them are dead she walks out the door without a word. Who the hell was that? As it turns out only two of the people survived being possessed by the seven deadly sins.
Sam myself and Dean are burning the bodies.
"Those two will need therapy. So much therapy" Dean says, shaking his head.
"Who was that girl that saved Ryan? That's what I want to know" Sam asks.
"Who knows" I say kicking a rock.
We stand there watching the flames lick at the air seeking more things to burn.
"I just had a troubling thought" Sam says.
"What's that"? Dean asks, looking at his brother.
"If we let the seven deadly sins out, what else got out" He asks.
"Your right that is troubling" Dean says.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2017 ⏰

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