First hunt

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-The next morning-

The sun light filters through the dingy motel curtains I ended up getting a room next door to Sam and Dean. I get up and get dressed and grab my knife and my gun I walk to their motel room.
I knock. The door opens.
"Morning Ryan" Dean says.
He lets me into the motel room Sam must be in the shower.
"Ok we're you guys always this tall or did it happen over night" I ask sitting on the bed.
"Ha. Sam is a weed he got tall fast I've been the same height for a while now, how about you always been 4'11" Dean asks.
I laugh and take my jacket off I stand up.
"Dean stand up for a second" I ask going over to him.
He does.
"My mom had a car accident before I was born. My parents died when I was 15 and they never explained what was different with me" I say looking up at him.
"What is different with you" He asks looking down at me.
"The way Bobby always explained it was the accident stunted my growth" I say shrugging.
"I think it works for you" he says sitting back down in his chair. I smile at him I sit back down.
"So tell me something. You just been hunting alone how ever many years and we never crossed paths before" He says.
"I'm really good at staying off people's radar" I say smiling.
"I'll say. Don't you get lonely all alone all the time" He asks.
Of course I do and that's why I want this to work...between us.
"Well yeah it does sometimes. Bobby he always talked about you guys, god I feel like I know you and Sam already" I laugh.
"So in a way I wasn't alone if you think about it" I say.
Dean stays quiet for a few minutes.
"If you want to stay with us, we would be fine with it. Sam and I were going to ask you about while we on the stakeout tonight" He says.
"Well I accept your offer" I say smiling at Dean.
Sam walks and joins us in the morning routine.
"So you joining us" Sam asks pouring a cup of coffee.
"I am indeed" I say smiling. 
"That's awesome. So let's talk about the case we have already been in the house. We got hits on emf so poltergeist or vengeful spirit" Sam says.
I nod.
"Just to double check your cool with having me around" I ask them.
They exchange a glance.
"Yes we are more than fine with having you around" Sam says.
My phone starts buzzing. This can't be good.
"Hello" I ask standing up.
"Ryan it's Austin. Where are you I'm back in Colorado" he says.
A chill runs up my spine how did he get my new number I only gave it to- Bobby. Damnit Bobby what were you thinking?
"How did you get this number Austin"? I ask trying to keep my voice even.
" I got it from Bobby Singer. I told him that I was your boyfriend and I didn't know what you're new phone number was" He says.
"Oh so you lied" I ask.
"No I didn't. I am still your boyfriend remember. Now I know you're in Boulder, I'm at the local dinner come meet me alone or your new friends will get it" He snaps.
I hang up.
ok Ryan calm down you can't get Sam and Dean hurt this isn't their fight.
I go over to my bag and grab my gun and my jacket.
"Ok I forgot to get extra amo and I saw a shop down the street. I have my phone call if you need me ok"? I ask looking at them.
"Um ok. Be quick we still have a ghost to gank" Dean says.
"I shouldn't be too long. But if I am longer than an hour come find me" I say not even giving them a chance to respond.
I jog to my car and speed to the dinner where my ex boyfriend is waiting holding a new and scary threat over me. I won't let him hurt Sam and Dean that is not even a question.
I go inside and spot him instantly I walk to the booth he is sitting in.
"Ok I'm here what do you want" I demand.
"We didn't get to finish our last conversation" He says a dark glint in his eyes.
"Which part Austin the part where you put me in the hospital. Or the part where you stalked me" I snap at him.
"The hospital part. Sweetie we are just getting started" He says.
Suddenly he reaches across the table and smashes my head into the table with enough force to knock me out.

Dean POV

It's been an hour how long does it take Ryan to get bullets? I try to ignore the nagging feeling that something went wrong. She did say if she was gone longer than an hour to go find her.
"Sam come we are going to find Ryan" I say getting my leather jacket on.
"Dean she went to get bullets she'll be back soon" He says looking up from his laptop.
"She also said if she wasn't back after an hour to go find her. That was an hour ago Sam" I say tying my boot laces.
"Ok Dean calm down we'll find her. Maybe her car broke down or something" Sam says. 
"She took her phone Ryan would have called if something happened to her car" I say as we go to the impala.
I can see the wheels turning in my brothers head.
He grabs his own phone and dials a number.
"Hey Bobby. Did you give Ryan's number to anyone recently" Sam asks.
"You did. Who was it Bobby" He asks.
"Ok thanks. Yes we will call when we find her" Sam says ending the call.
"Who'd he give her number to" I ask leaning on my car.
"Austin Rose" He says
"Who the hell is that" I ask.
"Bobby doesn't have any idea he thought he was her boyfriend or something" Sam says getting in the passenger side.
"Find out who he is. We need to know who we are dealing with here" I say revving up the engine of my impala.
Don't worry Ryan we are going to find you. I'm going to find you.

Ryan POV

I open my eyes it's dark and damp in here. I can feel cuts on my legs that are still bleeding a lot. The dull throb of bruises on my head, it hurts. My phone where's my phone. I pat my pockets oh got it, I dial Dean's phone number please pick up.
"Hello" he asks.
"Dean it's Ryan I don't know where I am, and I'm bleeding" I cry.
Breathing is getting painful I probably have bruised ribs.
"Ryan it's ok we are tracking the gps we will be there soon. Just stay on the phone until Sam finds you" Dean says. I can hear the panic in his voice.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have gone alone" I say.
"We can worry about that later ok. Ok Sam got your 20 we aren't far just hang in there" He says.
"It wasn't Bobbys fault he didn't know what Austin did before" I cry my ribs make it hard to breathe.
My phone slides out my hand I can't reach it.
-20 minutes later-
The door bursts open almost off its hinges. It's Sam and Dean.
I try to hold my head up Austin left me for dead.
"Guys" I rasp.
Dean spins around at the sound of my voice.
"Oh my god" Sam says running to me.
"I'm gonna kill him" Dean mutters.
"Thank you" I gasp.
Passing out again.

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