All Hell Breaks Loose pt 1

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After that Gordon mess we decided to drive around for a while since there's been no really compelling cases. Dean and I had a long talk while we were at the Harvelles Road House, about what's been happening to Sam before I started hunting with them. Yellow eyes. What happened to Sam's girlfriend Jessica. Demon blood. His visions.
We pull up to a diner, seeing as how Dean's stomach keeps growling and he needs his road food.
"Dude cheese burgers. Extra onions" Dean says leaning to talk through the open door.
"Ryan and I have to ride with you and your extra onions" Sam says shaking his head.
Sam starts to walk away.
"Bring me some pie" Dean calls after Sam.
"Love me some pie" He says turning the radio on.
"Dean what are we going to do about the other ones like Sam out there. I mean it's like Ash said some of them don't fit the pattern" I say leaning on the back of the seat.
"I know, we'll figure it out" He says sitting sideways in the front seat.
Suddenly the radio starts cutting in and out, and I look at each other. We jump out of the car with our guns drawn, Dean drops to a crouch staring at something on the ground.
"Sulphur" Dean says rising to his feet.
I curse, we go inside and are shocked again everyone in the diner is dead and Sam is just gone.
"Sam" I whisper looking around.
"Ok. We gotta go to Bobby's he'll know what to do" Dean says grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the counter and back to the car.
I'm sure that Dean broke every speed limit from here to South Dakota. His phone rings, glance over and it looks like he doesn't hear a thing. I reach in to his jacket pocket and pull out his phone, I flip if open and look at the caller ID. Ash.
"Ash, what's up" I ask putting my free hand on Dean's shoulder trying to comfort him.
"I found something big" Ash says sounding like he's about to freak out right now on the phone.
"We are almost at Bobby's place. What did you find"? I ask my heart pounding in my chest.
"Not over the phone. Someone might be listening" He says.
"Ok, once we get to Bobby's place I'll call ya back and we'll work from there" I say as the Sioux Falls sign flies past the car.
"Ok" Ash says hanging up.
I flip his phone closed and slip it back in Dean's jacket. He tears into Bobby's drive and stands on the breaks I almost hit the dashboard. Within seconds he's out of the car without even turning the car off, I pull the keys out of the ignition and follow behind Dean into the house.
"Bobby" Dean yells.
"Don't need to yell boy" Bobby says walking out from his study.
"Yellow eyes took Sam" Dean says his hands balled up by his sides.
"What" Bobby demands.
"We stopped for some food. Sam was gone everyone in the diner was dead,
We found sulphur" I say standing next to Dean.
Dean's phone rings again, like before he simply ignores it, I grab it and answer it.
"Hello" I ask.
"We need to talk" Ash says.
"Ok. I'm on my way right now" I say pinching the bridge of my nose.
I hang up.
"What's up Ryan" Bobby asks.
"Ash has something. He wants to see me, I will be back as soon as I can" I say to Bobby.
"Be careful. We don't need you going missing too" Bobby says.
I nod and look over at Dean who is standing there looking lost.
"We'll find him Dean" I say.
I take one of Bobby's cars that runs and floor it to the Road House. I slam on the breaks when a huge cloud of black smoke appears in front of the car. Oh my god the Road House is gone. Ellen and Ash. Jo is on a hunt. I jump out the car, it's completely gone burned to the ground. I carefully look around maybe someone got out, something shiny catches my eye; Ashes watch. Tears fill my eyes.
"What did you know" I ask Ash even though I'm looking at his charred arm.
I feel the tears on my face, I spin around in a circle watching the smoke swirl towards the sky. I stumble back to the car and quickly drive back to Bobby's house, only to find a note saying that Dean and Bobby went looking for Sam.
I call Dean's cell phone.
"Hello" He asks.
"It's Ryan, the Road House is gone" I say my voice cracking.
"What" Dean demands.
"It was torched. Ash is dead, Ellen is probably gone too. Jo is in Chicago" I say wiping tears off my face.
"What did Ash know" Dean asks his voice getting choked up.
"I don't know, did you and Bobby find anything"? I ask sitting down on the kitchen.
"Nothing yet" Dean says sounding frustrated.
"We'll find him Dean" I say running a hand through my hair.
"I'll call you if we find something" Dean says ending the call.
I lean back in my chair and stare at the ceiling.

Dean POV

"I'll call you if we find something" I say ending the call.
"Ash is dead and the Road House got torched" I say feeling the grief bubbling in my chest.
"Damn" Bobby says leaning on the hood of the impala.
Suddenly my head feels like its on fire, I press my hands on my forehead then it stops.
"Dean what was that" Bobby asks.
I shake my head once.
"I don't know? A headache" I say shrugging my shoulders.
"You get headaches like that a lot"? Bobby asks.
"No. I could have sworn I saw something" I say.
"What? Like a vision? Like what Sam gets" Bobby asks.
"What? No I'm now psychic" I say, when the fire comes back forcing me to collapse on my car.
I catch a glimpse of a bell and Sam.
Then it's gone.
"Dean? Dean you with me" Bobby asks his hand on the back of my neck.
I take a deep breath.
"Huh? Yeah. I saw him. I saw Sam" I say pushing myself into a standing position.
"So it was a vision" Bobby asks.
"Yeah, I don't know how but yeah. That was as fun as getting kicked in the jewels" I say still out breath.
"What did else did you see" He asks.
"Uh, a bell. A big bell, with some kind of engraving on it" I say trying to recall the images.
"Was it a tree? Like an oak tree" He asks.
"Yeah, exactly" I say surprised.
"I know where Sam is" He says.

Ryan POV

My phone rings. I snatch it up and answer it.
"We know where he is" Dean says for the first time since this started he sounds hopeful.
"Where"? I ask running for my car.
"Cold oak South Dakota. It's a abandoned town. He's there" Dean says I can hear the engine of the impala revving.
"I'm on my way I know where that is" I say ending the call.
I fire up the car and gun it and speed down the back roads, I used to go to Cold oak when I was a kid and do etchings of the bell in the town square. After speeding down the road I see the old iron gates to Cold oak and the impala also speeding to the gates. I don't even bother to turn my car off, as I jump out and run over to Dean and Bobby.
"Arm up" Dean says pulling guns out of the trunk.
I take my silver gun with the wood grain handle. We start walking in. I see Sam.
"Sammy" Dean yells.
"Dean" Sam yells back sounding relieved.
I watch in horror as a man runs toward Sam.
"Sam! Watch out" Dean yells.
I watch paralyzed with fear as the man in military fatigues stabs Sam in the back.
"NO" Dean yells breaking into a sprint to get his brother.
Bobby runs after the man.
I run with him until we reach Sam.
"Sam? Hey let's take a look at ya" Dean says holding Sam in his arms.
Dean's hand comes away from Sam's back bloody.
"It's not that bad, it's not even that bad. We're going to fix you up. I got you, look after my pain the ass little brother" Dean says holding Sam's head.
I watch as Sam's eyes slip shut.
"Sammy"? Dean asks but gets no reply.
He's gone. Dean pulls Sam into his arms holding him, there's not a sound except Dean's sniffing.
We sit there, both of us drowning in grief, tears rolling relentlessly down my face. My best friend is gone.

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