Ch 6: Three Minute Detour

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Dr. Green put his arm lightly on my shoulder as we left his office. "How are you doing with all of this?"

We walked around the corner to the elevators. "I'm fine," I said. "I wasn't--I didn't even know what had happened until later when Kota was on his way here. I just want to help somehow."

"There was nothing you could have done after it happened," Dr. Green said. "But you can help now, just by being your sweet, understanding self."

The elevator opened. Once we were inside, Dr. Green hit the button for the fifth floor. "I do feel I need to warn you, Pookie. Our Kota. . . well, let's say he's not the world's best patient. Lucky for me, he doesn't get sick that often."

"But he did such a wonderful job taking care of all of us before Christmas." We had all stayed at Kota's, and he had been kind and enduring, anticipating our needs almost before we did. While he had also gotten sick, his case had been mild, and he had barely slowed down the entire time.

"Yes, he's very good at taking care of people," Dr. Green agreed. "Especially his family. That's a large part at what he does everyday." The elevator door opened, and we walked out, turning down a hallway. "But taking care of people and being taken care of are very different things. Think of it this way. Kota likes certainty and autonomy. When he can't do things for himself, he gets frustrated and impatient." He stopped outside a door. "I guess I'm just saying, be patient with our patient."

"I'll do anything for Kota," I said softly. I thought of Kota's sweet, sweet kisses yesterday, a scene that I had played in my head repeatedly during the day today. When I woke this morning, I hadn't been sure it had really happened; we had danced around it for so long now. Then he had driven up to drive us to school. The wide smile on his face when he jumped out of the car, opening my door for me, proved that it had.

"I know you will." Dr. Green stopped, opening the door. "Go on in, pumpkin."

I walked in, expecting to see Kota, but the room was empty, reminding me of the first time I had been here with Dr. Green, when he had dared me to play doctor and then we had napped together. "Did we beat him here?"

"Maybe, though I doubt it. They're pretty quick transporting patients to and fro. Patients can get into a lot of trouble if you just let them wander around the hospital on their own." He grinned. "You'd probably see a lot of bare butts too, and none of them are as nice as yours. Nope, no one needs to see that, so we keep them in rooms when we can, under lots and lots of blankets."

"Dr. Green!" I fought back a laugh. "Where's Kota?"

"He'll be just down the hall, if he's not in there already." He pulled me close in a hug. "And my name is Sean," he reminded me, fighting off a yawn. "I know we've talked about that."

"Sean, you've got to get some sleep," I said quietly. His jokes didn't hide the shadows under his eyes. If I understood correctly, he had been on the go for over twenty hours now.

"Nah, I had a little nap last night," he said, winking at me. "I just need a minute to recharge. They'll call me if he needs me before then."

"You can't recharge in Kota's room?"

"Not quite like this." He picked me up, swinging me around and sitting me on the bed, causing me to giggle. He put a finger to my mouth in mock severity, shaking his head. "You know what happens. . ."

I closed my lips, making a motion to show they were locked.

"I hope they aren't locked too tight. Do you think there's a chance I could sneak a quick kiss?"

"Maybe." I smiled. I leaned down, unused to the angle, and lightly brushed his lips. I didn't feel comfortable doing anything more, not here. Not with Kota just down the hall.

Dr. Green had no such problems. He leaned in, his kiss tender and loving. When he pulled away, he smiled. "Now that's better. . ."

"But Kota--"

"Kota's okay for a few more minutes. They've got to get him settled. Besides, Kota--and the rest of them too--they'll have to get used to this with the plan. So will I, when the situation is reversed." He moved in, his forehead touching mine. "Mmm. I love smooches with Pookie. Very refreshing. Smookies? No, that's not quite right."

Speaking of smooches. "So, yesterday. . . Kota and I kissed," I confessed, blushing bright red.

Dr. Green lit up. "Finally! That's the second best news I've heard all day, pumpkin!"

"It was great," I said dreamily, thinking back. I felt myself redden even further.

"It's all coming together!" He clapped his hands, dancing around a little. "Soon, it will be out in the open. Then, we can go out on dates, just like any other couple. No more worrying about Volto or anyone else. Wouldn't you like that?"

"I would," I agreed, though now that almost everyone knew, part of me wondered how this could work. Like he said, we had a lot to figure out. Then, turning somber, I remembered the boy who was getting in the bed down the hall. "But Kota still doesn't know about the plan. It just--it kind of flew out of my mind."

"Of course it did. You were distracted. No need to mention that moments after your first kiss. Besides, we need to tell him, not you."

"But now that he's--he's been hurt, we need to slow down. We should wait until he's a little better to tell him about the plan."

"My sweet Pookie! You have the biggest heart in the world."

"You just said he's not a good patient," I said quietly, a little unsure. "If we try to push it, couldn't it hurt his recovery?"

Dr. Green thought it through, nodding as he did. "I suppose it could. The mind plays such a strong role in the healing process, far more than people even thought possible twenty years ago. I suppose you're right. We've come this far; we can delay it for a few more weeks .That's okay; we've still got time before we introduce you to the Academy. The important thing is, we've made progress!"

I smiled, happy that everything was working out, though at times I still had my doubts about the plan. How would I be able to balance time with each one of them without jealousy getting in the way?

"Now, as much as I liked our three minute detour, it's time to go see our patient. Nurse Sang, are you ready?"

"I certainly am, Dr. Green."

"Nu huh." He shook his head. "Sang, say my first name."

"Dr. Gr—Sean."

His thumb rubbed against my chin in a small caress. "Just Sean."

"Just Dr. Sean," I grinned.

His smile widened. "I'm going to have to work to keep up with you."

I bounced a little as we walked out, enjoying how happy he was. I knew it meant that Kota would be fine, especially since we were all going to be taking care of him. When my boys put their minds to it, there was nothing they couldn't do. Plus, I couldn't help but be amused at how happy Dr. Gr—Sean—was that I had kissed another boy. Or boys, plural.

My relationships certainly weren't like other girls and their boyfriends, but for once, I was thrilled not to be normal.

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