Ch 122: Study Session

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"You've got the theory down pat," Brent said. "I wish I picked up on this stuff as easily as you do." He closed his binder. "But are you sure you want to bother with doing the lab? I can just tell you how it comes out and save you some time and trouble."

For once, I was sick of studying, even physics and math, and I really wanted to accept the offer and go home. However, I needed an excuse to be here to play interference for Victor if needed. "I'd rather go through the steps," I replied. "You know it's going to be on the exam. Besides, after Dr. Murray went to the trouble of getting me special after-hours permission in this lab, I feel as though I should take advantage."

"I figured you'd say that," Brent said. "I thought I'd ask; you seem really distracted."

Must not be hiding it well. "I'm doing some hyperbaric chamber treatments," I said, giving a partial truth. "I had one before I came here, and I'm still feeling a little light-headed."

"Good." Brent looked relieved. "I was worried that it might be something else." He gestured to his head. "I mean, you're looking better than you were, but head injuries can be weird."

"Trust me, I'm well aware." I shifted my weight on the stool in Ashley Waters main science lab and took out the pages for the labwork, skimming through the assignment. "This looks fairly simple, but it looks like it will take a while." Especially when I purposefully draw it out.

"Let me at least help you get everything setup before I leave," Brent offered. "I know you can do it on your own, but one-handed makes everything slower, doesn't it?"

"Are you sure you've got time before the game?" I asked, glancing through the open door at the empty hallway. So far, everything was going as it should be, but I would feel better once I could move around freely without anyone watching.

Brent checked his watch. "It won't take long. Besides, I owe you one; if you had dropped Ad Cal like you were threatening to, I'd be stuck in a room with Val and the other know-it-alls everyday. I need someone normal in there."

"Other know-it-alls? I hope you're counting yourself in that number," I quipped, though only half-joking. 

"I'm very self-aware," Brent admitted with a grin. "I'm one of them too—just as hypercompetitive as the others. I know we get out of hand sometimes with all the GPA stuff; it must be hard on you underclassmen."

No polite way to respond to that. I undid the waist strap on the sling so I could bend over and root around in the lower cabinet. "What do I need?"

Brent flicked to a new page in his binder. "A microvoltmeter, a support base and rod. A beaker—be sure to check for hairline cracks or it will ruin the whole thing. I can't believe I have to say that, but it is Ashley Waters."

"I know." I pulled out each item as he listed the rest of the items and put them on the counter in front of me. "Is that everything?"

"Check." Brent pulled on a pair of safety gloves and put a second pair in front of me. "I hate that you missed class today; it was really interesting. Were you sick again?"

"No, today was something else." Not ready for the gloves yet, I clamped the rods onto the base, then secured the rubber corking on the steam chamber and beaker. "Surely you've heard the rumors." Somehow, I needed to get him talking about Val.

"Then it's true?" Brent asked. "The feds called you in?"

"Yep." I saw no reason not to tell him; at this point, most of the student body knew. "Not that I was able to help them much, but I think they might have found some new leads through another witness." Leads that, if I don't figure out something, will bring them right back to me. "I don't suppose you've heard anything that might be helpful."

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