Ch 33: One More Secret

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One more installment for this update. This chapter is for dawn2548. Please enjoy!


Loud barking startled me awake. I jerked up in the bed, my heart rushing up into my throat.

"Max! Stop," Kota commanded. The mattress moved beside me as he quickly got up, moving much faster than he had in days.

Max stopped immediately, though he let out a quiet whine. His eyes stayed on Kota as his master stood behind the closed door, listening intently.

After rubbing my eyes, I checked my watch. 2:12 am. The power had gone out a couple of hours ago, and it still wasn't back on. The generator must be working hard.

Nathan's head, topped with unruly red hair, appeared as he sat up below me. "What's going on?"

Kota held up a finger. "I'm not sure."

A look passed between them, and Nathan yawned as he got up, moving to the spot on the bed Kota had vacated, putting himself between me and the door. I was too scared to make a fuss about it.

"Max heard something, but he doesn't seem aggressive." Kota's gaze fell on the three of us as he listened further, his posture going rigid. "Someone's downstairs. Too early for Mom."

"Cameras?" Nathan asked.

"Power's still out." Kota made a decision. "You three, stay here. Keep her safe."

Nathan nodded.

"Max, come on," Kota commanded, moving quickly. All too soon, the door closed after him.

"Somebody better redline Mr. B. Or North." Beside me, Gabriel ran a hand through his hair. "They felt so fucking weird. I almost said Kota."

"Not when we're at Kota's, dummy."

"I fucking said I almost said it," Gabriel said, shoving him.

I crossed my arms. "Are you really going to let him go out there by himself?"

Nathan shrugged. "Kota said stay here. Kota's the boss," he said, yawning again.

"Not right now he isn't!" I couldn't believe this. Kota could fight, but he was injured and not at full capacity.

"Kota's always going to be the boss, sick leave or not," Nathan said. "He can handle it. Besides, he's got protection."

"You mean Max?"

They exchanged glances. "Max is awesome," Nathan said.

Yes, Max was great at doing basic household tasks and stopping girls in the street. But what would he do with an intruder? He was a golden retriever!

"Okay, I guess. Let me up," I said, pointing at the bathroom door. I pushed past Nathan, diverting at the last minute and running out of the bedroom door. If I hadn't surprised them when they were half-asleep, I wouldn't have made it out, but I did.

I grabbed the baseball bat propped in the corner on the landing and began to tiptoe down the stairs. I'll show them! After all, who was the one who found out about Muriel? Not them! Gabriel had been drugged, and Kota and Nathan hadn't even been there!

"Pretty sneaky, Peanut." Nathan caught up with me three steps down, grabbing me around the waist and spinning me around to where I was between him and Gabriel.

"And I'll take this," Gabriel whispered, taking the bat from me as we rushed down the stairs.

I was fuming, but I held it in. I was still scared. At least that got them up.

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