Chapter 9 💘

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Riley's POV
I sat at Starbucks for two hours waiting for the clock to hit twelve so I could rush home and see all my friends and family. 11:57. 11:58. 11:59. . . . The clock seemed to be stuck at 11:59 for hours because I was so anxious.

Waiting...waiting....12:00pm! I jumped out of my seat like a crazy person and headed towards the door. I saw Andrew. I knew he was mad at me but I wad over him anyways so I decided not to say anything. But he did... "Riley I'm sorry. I should have believed you and now I'm lonely at the motel. Come back?" He asked.

"I have to get home Andrew. How did you even know I was in here anyways?" I asked. He hid his phone that was on the camera behind his back. "Er- I uh I don't know? Good timing??" He lied. I snatched his phone out of his hand and went to his gallery.


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"WHY DO YOU HAVE A PICTURE OF ME TALKING TO THE BARISTA!! ARE YOU STALKING ME?! CREEP!", I screamed at the top of my lungs. Then I threw his phone to the ground, pushed him to the floor and walked home. I would have stayed to make sure his phone was broken but I didn't want to be late to seeing Maya.

I can't believe that Andrew was actually stalking me! Ugh !

I ran home of frustration. I opened the door and mom was at work, dad had stayed after school, Auggie was at daycare. But the door was opened so I knew Maya was home. I ran to my bedroom and she was on the bay window. She ran up to me and we have eachother a really tight hug.

We both started crying. "Maya I'm really glad I came back" "Riles I'm glad you did too" "Thunder" "Lightening" "Forever" We hugged tighter. *flash*

We looked around. "What was that", I asked. "I think it was a flash coming from the bay window", Maya replied. "WHAT. No no no no no", I said. I began walking around in circles "No!!! This cannot be happening!", I yelled.

"What? What is it Riley???" "Its a long story.. but while i was gone I stayed in a motel and some kid from our school worked there and we became friends and I kind of liked him. But i found out while I was at Starbucks earlier, he was stalking me and taking pictures of me. Put the curtains on the bay window down! I don't want that creep taking pictures of us! How did he even find where I live?" I said.

"Riley...he obviously followed you home. But, this is a stalker we're dealing with. We need to take care of him" , Maya said. I was really glad she was okay with helping me with this situation considering how much of a jerk I have been lately.

Maya pulled out her phone and went to her text messages with Lucas. She texted him.

Maya: Riley has a stalker

It took him about 2 seconds to reply

Lucas: I'll be over in 10 minutes

Maya smirked at me and I smiled then we hugged and I heard her whisper "everything is going to be okay" and now thanks to her, I knew it would...🙂

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