Clary meets Tessa

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Jace is gone. Clary felt lifeless. It's been 3 months since he was gone.

"We'll find him. We can go to Idris. We haven't searched there, have we?"

"Just shut it, Clary. We did everything. Let's leave it to the Silent Brothers." Isabelle said.

"Magnus said he's a got a plan." Alec said.

"Magnus doesn't have a plan Alec! He just wants to act like he does!"

As if on cue, Magnus came bursting in the room with a triumphant look on his face.

"Forgive me for not knocking, my beloved Nephilim but I have someone to introduce to all of you."

Clary noticed a girl. About the same age as her. She has long dark brown hair and beautiful gray eyes. She's tall and something about her looked timeless. She wore a dress, not like the ones that girls normally wear these days.

"Shadowhunters... meet Tessa Gray."

"Pleased to meet you." Her voice is different. It holds the sound of intelligence. She's old, Clary knew. She looks young but something about her bored look makes it evident that she had far too many experiences for the world to interest her.

"Okay okay enough of this. Give me anything that is Jace's property." Magnus said.

"What? Why? Who is she?" Isabelle said.

"She's an old friend." Magnus said "And she can change into anyone as long has she holds anything from the person and she just might read Jace's mind if she change into him." he added matter-of-factly

"Now come on. Give her anything."

Clary reached for Jace's ring in her pocket and handed it over to Tessa. She smiled at her. What are you? Clary wanted to ask but afraid that she might be offended.

It was weird. The change happened fast but you can see every bit of her transformation. Her dark brown hair turned to blonde. Her muscles grew bigger and then she opened her eyes. Gold. Jace's eyes. Clary wanted to hug him. After not seeing him for a long time all she wanted was to be with him. But she held herself knowing that this is not Jace.

There was a stunned silence. Clary heard gasps from Isabelle and Alec. But Tessa just stared. Her expression suddenly shifted. She was crying. She crumpled to the ground and she was herself again.

"Tessa" Magnus said while kneeling next to her.

"H-His last name is Herondale?"

"Yes" Magnus sighed.

"You didn't tell me." She said with tears streaming down her face. She was sobbing.

Tell what? Clary wanted to say but something about the way Tessa looks like while crying seems to choke the words. She looked broken. Shattered.

Magnus looked sad too. But he kept his mouth shut.

"Will." Tessa whispered and more tears streamed down her eyes.

She burst out the door and left Magnus and the rest of them stunned and confused.

Clary meets TessaWhere stories live. Discover now