Chapter 2

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In the peaceful room of the tattoo parlor, the buzzing sounds permeated the air, shattering the silence. Positioned on his stool, Kai focused intently, his gaze fixed on his client's back. Every stroke and detail demanded his attention, ensuring a flawless outcome.

Becoming a tattoo artist allowed Kai to fully express his creativity. He vividly recalled the days when he ventured into experimenting with tattoos within the confines of his own room. As his skin became a canvas for his imaginative designs, it didn't go unnoticed by others. Intrigued by his self-adorned artwork, people were drawn to ask about the origins of his ink. Not caring about his beginner status, they eagerly wanted his expertise, disregarding the need for an established professional setting.

Embracing the opportunity, Kai started accepting clients, transforming his parents' garage into an impromptu studio whenever they were absent, be it during their church visits or work commitments. This hidden space became a safe place where his artistic skills grew, and he created many memorable tattoos there.

Driven by his entrepreneurial spirit, Kai expanded his horizons by attending parties where he found eager individuals willing to pay for his craft. These gatherings helped start one of his earliest hustles, as he skillfully tattooed the willing partygoers, each stroke contributing to his growing reputation as a gifted tattoo artist.

After perfecting his skills, he began his career immediately after graduating from high school, opening his tattoo parlor on his eighteenth birthday last year. Despite his pride in his accomplishments, the path he took wasn't as easy as people assumed.

Money didn't grow on trees, and a part-time job after school wouldn't suffice. In need of a solution, Kai turned to his uncle, Napoleon, for help. Although he was aware of the dangers and the unsuitability of such a path for someone as young as himself, he found himself enticed by the allure of fast money working for his uncle's cartel.

After getting a understanding of the street life under his uncle's guidance, Kai was dealt a harsh blow as illness struck, leading to his uncle's death from pneumonia. This untimely event thrust Kai into an unexpected position of power, taking control of the cartel. However, to the street soldiers who worked under him, as well as every client and customer, he remained an enigmatic figure, shrouded in anonymity. Only his closest friend and right-hand man, Omar, possessed the knowledge of Kai's true identity. To the rest of the world, he existed as a ghost.

Sustaining a low profile while skillfully managing the operations of the cartel was a bit hard for Kai. To protect his secret, he formed discreet partnerships with select business owners, arranging deals to cleanse the dirty money. The unsuspecting owner of the local laundromat and the various apartment buildings unknowingly took in his schemes. Unaware of the true extent of their association with Kai, they enjoyed the benefits he provided, blissfully unaware of the hidden force managing their dealings behind the scenes, keeping his operations out of sight.

Making sure that he remained off the radar of law enforcement was important for Kai. The last thing he desired was to have federal agents tailing his every move, jeopardizing his operations.

Interrupting his train of thought, the front door swung open, drawing his attention. Pausing momentarily, he lifted the tattoo needle and glanced up. It was his younger brother, Isaac, entering the shop, accompanied by his friend, Asha.

Over the summer, their parents had taken the drastic step of kicking Isaac out of their home due to his chosen lifestyle, which clashed with their deeply held beliefs. Unwilling to change his identity and conform to their expectations, Isaac staunchly refused to be someone he wasn't. Consequently, his parents pushed him aside, leaving him with nowhere else to turn. Kai, wanting to protect his little brother from the dangers of life on the streets, couldn't bear to see him left homeless and alone.

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