A Man and A Women... fall inlove again

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Lin didn't  know that Pippa loved him too.  But she did, it wasn't even a question and her heart it was the truth. The truth she would never tell, for fear that it would ruin it all. She wants him, He wants her, why can't they be with each other?

Remember when I said fate wanted them together, well sometimes the course of events changes someone's fate or two peoples faith, what a shame. I can just imagine their wedding, colours of light blue pink and gray, she looks so beautiful in her dress and he looks so beautiful with a blue tie.

I can see her sitting in the nursery, too late or arguably too early in the night or morning but that wouldn't matter because it would be a little girl staring back at her with cheekbones like her own and eyes like her father.

Growing old together would never be a chore, he'd love watching her game little wrinkles around her mouth and eyes watch her black shiny hair slowly turning gray, she would always be beautiful to him.

On May 12 and December 9 of every year there daughter, Everly, would visit the gravesite every year, even occasionally when she was feeling down. She would smile and hope to find love so strong as her parents did.

That was their faith but fate was changed as sad as it is so now we know. They never remarry, Lin watches Sebastian grow up, Pippa is there. He still think she's beautiful when she gets her wrinkles but he doesn't see them every day. The only late nights either of them spend is when they can't sleep thinking about the other or they'll die alone They're not buried together when they died Pippa is buried near her mother and Lin, near his.

   A man and a woman...fall in love, but little do they both know...in their heads, they're saying, I want... you

Jokes I'm not worrying about you being impressed I just hope you liked it even a little. Okie bye

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