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~Jimin's POV~

"Excuse me, I was wondering where Dr Choi Hye Jin's office is located?" Looking like a lost sheep, I spent the whole morning looking for her office and my feet were already killing me. I should have just asked father before. Can this day get any worse? Apparently it could, because the person I had asked shook their head 'no'.

I walked around once more, looking for anyone who could know where this woman's office was. Spying a girl who I thought worked in Hye Jin's department, I sped towards her.

"Excuse me, I was wondering where Dr Choi Hye Jin's office is located?" I repeated my question for what seemed like the millionth time, with a deep sigh at the end of my sentence.

"Sh-she's located j-just upstairs. R-room 75," the girl stammered. She looked like she has just seen a ghost. Maybe I shouldn't have stormed over so abruptly?

"Thank you," I let out a breath of relief, before sprinting towards the elevator. The elevator had taken 10 seconds to arrive, but I had been bouncing on the balls of my feet the entire time, before scurrying into the elevator and pressing the button to the right floor. Why was I in such a rush?

'Level 4,' the elevator chimed.

I wandered around the floor, looking like a complete idiot trying to find her office. This place was a maze! White stained the halls of the floor, each corridor consisting of many doors and turns. Fake pot plants dotted each intersection, and dettol pumps lined the walls outside each room. I chose the corridor at the end, which had the units for the room that I was told to find Hye Jin. I counted, 72, 73, 74.

"Yes, 75," I whisper yelled to myself. I was so glad to have found it after 30 minutes of aimlessly searching around this huge and unfamiliar building. I squeezed my hand into a fist and slowly brought it up to the door, but halted as soon as I heard the voices inside her office. A conversation between two people.

"Thank you, but no thank you," I heard a familiar voice behind the door.

Before I could even work out whose voice I had overheard, the door swung open revealing the two people in the office. I brought my frozen hand down to my side again. Choi Hye Jin, whose voice I had heard, had her hand on a girl's back, guiding her out the door. I stood to the side to give her room to walk out, glancing down at a face filled with disappointment.

"How can I help you?" Dr Choi asked in annoyance, walking over to her desk and picking up more paper, not really wanting to help at all. Does she really hate me that much?

I followed her in and scanned my surroundings. Her office was painted with the same dull white as the rest of the floor, with 2 small flowers standing straight on the windowsill. An empty desk sits next to her. I'm assuming it's another doctor's, but it's vacant... I looked down at her table and saw a whole heap of paperwork on her table. It looked like beneath her tough exterior she was a really hard worker.

"Father- er, CEO told me to come to your office and to tell you to open your email," I explained, closing the door behind me.

"Is this about showing you around and teaching you?" she asked, flipping through more documents in boredom.

"I'm not sure," I answered in a hesitant voice.

1- because I really didn't know, and 2- because I'm pretty sure she still really hates me.

"Yeah, he told me to show you around," she said in a disappointed tone, eyes darting to her computer screen. What's so hard showing a person around? Seriously...

"He leaves me no choice," she lets out a deep sigh, heading for the door. I stood there wondering what she meant.

"Are you going to come?" she asked from the other side of the door frame, looking back at me. She raised her eyebrows, as if expecting me to read her mind.

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