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"I'm not gay."

I looked at him with wide eyes. And scanned his face hoping for it to be a lie. "Wh-What the hell do you mean 'not gay'?!" 

"I-" I cut him off and started walking again. 

"You said in the room, 'I'm gay.' Now you mean to tell me that you aren't?" I yelled as he caught up to me. 

"Calm down! I just meant that I'm not gay. But I'm not straight either," He said. I raised an eyebrow and motioned for him to continue on. 

"I'm bi. Bisexual," He informed me. I pushed my bangs out of my eyes and looked at him. I put a hand on his shoulder and let out a deep breath. 

"Holy shit, you scared me!" I placed my other free hand on my thigh and crouched down a bit. I could hear a bit of chuckling from him and looked up. 

"Come on, let's go now," Jungkook chuckled. I nodded while standing up and we made our way to the back door. 

I flung open the door and was greeted by a loud ear-splitting creak. I cringed at the sound and entered. 

"Alright, follow me, boys. They're gonna get you dressed and made-up in here," Somin skipped ahead of us and lead us down the hallway to a door. She swiftly opened the door as another creak filled our ears.

We walked in and were instantly bombarded by staff. They were handing us clothes to change into and pushing towards changing rooms.

I walked over to the bright changing room and locked the door behind me. I examined the outfit they had given me and was quite happy to see it was my style.

Black jeans only slit at the knees and a white, collared, button down shirt. The shirt was a smooth satin and I understood they were going for a professional style.

I took off my shirt and buttoned on the satin shirt. I pulled off my sweatpants and traded them out for the black jeans. I realized I only had the sneakers I had worn here so I grabbed them and stepped out.

"What shoes should I wear?" I asked as I placed my clothing and sneakers on a table. A female worker came up to me holding a pair of  Timbs and I chuckle.

"Are you sure BigHit isn't sponsoring Timbs?" I ask as I pull them on. She chuckles and nods.

"We should at this point, though," She responds before walking over to the rest of the workers.

Once I finish putting on my shoes, I walk over to a large desk and vanity where my regular makeup artist is waiting. I get some simple makeup done with a black eye shadow.

Jungkook was seated in a chair next to me and finished around the same time I did.

"Ready?" He asked as we both stood up. I nodded and shook my hands a bit to calm down.

"Boys, they're all waiting," Somin said as she held open a door to the small stage.  We looked at each other and took swift steps out the door and onto the stage.

As soon as we were seen, reporters started shouting questions and it became mayhem. Once we were center stage, Somin came out and silenced everyone.

"If this conference is going to take place, you all need to be civil. I'll choose a reporter and the boys will answer the question," Somin's voice bellowed around the room with loud volume. The reporters understood and she picked on one reporter.

"Is it true that both of you are gays?" A woman spoke over the loud camera clicking.

"I am gay, however, Kook hyung is actually bisexual," I answered for both of us. Chatter arose from the reporters as more of them raised their hands. Somin chose a man in the front this time.

"Are you in a relationship together?" He spoke into a microphone as a camera next to him filmed us.

"No, [NN] and I are just friends," Jungkook spoke from beside me. He smiled sweetly at me and then looked back at the sea of shark like reporters.

Somin pointed to a woman and she rose from her seat as the last reporter sat, "Are you aware that gays are a disgrace, [SN]?"

I froze a bit at her words and Somin glared at the woman, "Ma'am please sit down. I don't want to hear any more questions from you."

I looked over at Somin thankfully and she shrugged while mouthing 'She's an idiot.'

Somin then pointed to another woman who stood and looked at both of us, "Do your band mates feel uncomfortable around you?"

"No. They are very supportive of the both of us," I shook my head slightly.

"Yeah, they'll always be there for us," Jungkook smiled brightly as he spoke. Some mumbling was heard among the crowd and hands began to drop. A few more raised and Somin chose an old man towards the back.

"Is anyone else in either of your groups gay or bi?" His voice was somewhat scratchy and he had the signature old man accent.

"We don't have any right to out people. Both of us were forced out and it was completely wrong. No one should be forced out if they aren't ready. We have a right to private lives, too," I was a bit angry at the question and the fervour was clear in my voice.

Jungkook put a calming hand on my shoulder and regained my composure.

"He is right. The saesang who did this had recorded us and was probably after something else. It really was wrong of them," Jungkook added. Somin looked at us to see if we would take the next question and we nodded.

She pointed to a woman in her 20s and she stood up, "Do you plan to press charges against the saesang?"

"As of now, yes. The boys' privacy was invaded and we are currently looking for the saesang," Somin spoke. I'm glad she did because I had no idea how to answer that.

"Alright, that will be it for this conference. Boys," Somin looked at the reporters to us and we began to walk off. Reporters were shouting questions but I was just glad it was over.


After the short ride home, we both crashed on the sofa with the others. They all smothered us with compliments and reassurance. However, all I wanted right now was to sleep.

"I'm gonna head to sleep. Wake me up for dinner?" I asked as I yawned.

"Will do. Get some rest," Tae smiled sweetly at me. I nodded and headed into my room. The window in the bathroom let in loads of light and I wondered why the blinds on it weren't closed.

I walked into the bathroom and looked at usually blocked window. I raised an eyebrow and went to close it until I heard the door slam behind me.

I whipped around instantly and pressed my back against the wall. I was met face to face with a random girl.

My eyes widened in the sockets and I opened my mouth, ready to scream. But before I could, she had rushed onto me and threw a rag over my mouth.

As I went to punch her, I had taken in a deep breath and my vision became blurry. My hand fell to my side as my body became limp. A boy came in from the window behind me and looked at her.

Their feet didn't make a single noise as they neared me and I wondered if it was just because I was passing out or if they were actually silent. I couldn't ponder on the thought long for one of the hit the side of my head, knocking me out cold.

Longing // Taehyung x Idol Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now