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This chapter will be more awkward than usual. 

The boys towered over me intimidatingly. 

"T-Take a seat," I cursed myself mentally for stuttering. Jungkook easily pulled up a chair, placing it next to Taehyung. My body was still facing the other way, seeing as how I couldn't move. 

"Hey, um, could you maybe," I began as I motioned with my left hand to move me towards them. They both nodded and stood up. Jungkook grabbed my legs gently as Taehyung moved my torso, both being weary of my burns. "Thanks." 

"As I said, we should talk about a few things," Taehyung began as My back sank into the pillows they placed behind me so I would stay up. 

"Well, pick your topic," I shrugged slightly, expecting them to talk about the kidnapping situation. 

"Jungkook likes you," Taehyung spits out, milliseconds after I finish my sentence. My eyes widen as I look at Jungkook, his face is a flushed red. 

"Hyung likes you, too!" He spits out, pointing an accusing finger at Taehyung. I look at Taehyung, sucking in my lips, holding back laughter. 

"Yeah, I kinda noticed," I scratched the back of my neck as I avoided eye contact with both of them. 

"Wait, really?" Taehyung fakes shock as I look anywhere but him to avoid bursting out in laughter. 

"Well," Jungkook began, I looked up to meet his hopeful eyes. "Who do you like?" 

I stayed frozen, looking into Jungkook's eyes. I already knew the answer, Taehyung. But, I couldn't bear to break Kookie's heart. 

"Promise me, before I answer, that neither of you will hate me," My eyes flickered between the boys as Taehyung began to look confused. They both nodded, regardless of confliction. 

"Jungkook, I'm sorry. I like Taehyung," I told Jungkook, looking into his eyes. I caught the exact moment he broke, his eyes widening slightly before falling at the corners. 

"And Taehyung," I looked him in the eyes, completely sure of my next words. "I think we should break up." 

My eyes caught the moment he broke, too. He opened his mouth to speak, before closing it. His words were stuck in his throat and I bit my lip. 

"Wait, you two were dating?" Jungkook asked, his voice cracking. I nod slightly, his eyes closing and opening again. 

"Hyung, I'm sorry. I just, everything that's happened, and going on," My voice got caught in my throat. My words coming out brokenly. "I need some time to figure things out myself. If you want, I can switch rooms with someone." 

I  looked down at my fiddling fingers, biting back tears. I know I'm doing the right thing. I'm just, not ready right now. 

If Gichul had known that Tae and I were dating, Tae would have been in serious trouble. 

"No, we can stay in the same room. I get it," His voice soothed my ears, causing my head to pop up and look at him, a sad smile forming on my lips. 

"Thank you," My voice escaped my lips softly and I turned to look at Jungkook. "I hope we can still be friends. I love you like a brother." 

He smiled at me, his heavy eyes betraying his bright demeanor, "Don't worry. I can't force you to like me even if I wanted to." 

 Guilt crashed onto me at his words, I felt my face soften as he looked away. An awkward silence fell upon us, but no one knew what to say to break it. 

"Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?" I cringed as I spoke, knowing that neither of them wanted to talk now. 

"Well, how are you feeling?" Taehyung questioned after a few seconds passed. 

"Good," I nodded slightly. 

"That's good," He responded. 

"I'm gonna go see where the boys are," Jungkook mumbled as he stood up. He walked out of the room leaving Taehyung and me. 

"Hyung, I'm sorry. It's just-" 

"No, really. It's fine. I understand," Taehyung interrupted me, shooting me a kind smile with sad eyes. 

I look down at my hands, fiddling with my fingers I try to distract myself from the hurt I've caused him. 

I just need time to sort everything out. 


The boys walked in, smashing the tense air that had surrounded Tae and me for the past half hour. 

I searched their faces, eyes darting between everyone. 

Jungkook wasn't with them. 

"We brought you some jjajangmyeon! Well, the Nights bought it for you," Super smiled as he handed me a black container. He passed one to Taehyung then proceeded to hand both of us chopsticks. 

"Thank you, hyung," I articulated happily. I smiled as I reach my good hand over to take the lid off. 

I furrowed my eyebrows together, biting down on my lip as I tried to take the lid off. Every time I got one side off, the other would pop on again. 

I let my fingers slide off the container, giving up on opening it. I threw my head back slightly, annoyed that I couldn't open my own. 

I closed my eyes, listening to everyone chat easily as they ate. Suddenly, a pop filled my ears. I looked up, my eyes meeting Jungkook's as he held my lid. A smile on his face. 




I'm gonna have another longer update coming soon but I wanted to give you all a taste of what's coming later~~~

Enjoy this horrible love triangle~~

Btw I fucking love your comments they are the highlight of my sick days

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