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_Third Person POV

The air in the hospital was suffocating. As if the boys were sitting in water instead of the crisp antibiotic hospital air.

It had been twenty minutes. Neither Taehyung nor Jungkook had come back. 

"Maybe we should call them,"  Jimin suggested, the tense air finally getting to the giddy boy. 

"That might cause more trouble, though. We should just go out and look for them," Hoseok stood up, his nerves getting the better of his shaking feet. 

"There is a crowd of fans out there. You go out there, you get trampled," Jin stopped Hoseok gently, placing a hand on his shoulder. Hoseok gently sat down, his body imperceptibly shaking. 

Jin was about to offer words of condolence when the hospital doors slammed open. Floods of people poured in, covering the area as they searched desperately for the bands. 

The worker rushed from her desk, past the guards who were desperately trying to stop the flood. 

"Come with me," She whispered as she ran past them, opening a staff only door and shoving them all inside. 

"Thank you," Joohyun thanked as she closed the door and ran off. The boys explored the room. The white walls enclosed them as cabinets and counters lined the walls. A table in the middle and a fridge and stove on the side.

"Looks like we're in the break room," Lion chuckled, his elbow on Mini's head. 

"I wonder if Jungkook and Taehyung got stuck out in that mess," Jin muttered to himself as he walked around the room. 

"What if someone goes into [N]'s room? Maybe we should get out there," Super's voice came quickly as he hurried to the door. 

"No, Super. You'll get killed," Joohyun held his arm, preventing him from getting to the door. 

Super turned around, biting his lip to prevent him from screaming. 

"If we don't go out there he could be killed," Super announced, turning back around, determined to get to the door. 

"Super-" Joohyun began but was cut off by the loud screaming of fans. The door had been swung open and Super dashed out. 

Super sprinted as fast as he could, past the fans, having a few grab onto his shirt. The sight of him made the fans push harder and harder. He ran into a hallway just as the wall of guards broke. Fans spilled into the hospital, trampling the guards. 

Reporters ran rampant, trying to find the boys. They lurked around like vultures, waiting to pick up dead meat. 

"Sungjin oppa!" A fan screamed as she captured photos, sprinting towards him. 

He sprinted further down the halls, to the room surrounded by security. So inconspicuous no fan would think it was [N]'s room.

The security got one look at Super and the fans chasing him before hastily opening the door. 

Just as he was about to enter, one of the fans grabbed onto him. He ripped himself away from the fan, having a part of his shirt ripped as he closed the door behind him. 

Well, there goes his 

Gasping for breath, and leaning against the door, his eyes met those of the two that had gone missing. 

"Taehyung? Jungkook?" His face filled with astonishment as he looked at the boys. 

"Hi," Jungkook responded sheepishly. His voice was quiet as he was worried of waking [N]. 

Longing // Taehyung x Idol Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now