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I felt his lips move and slowly, words came out. 

"I know your secret," Jungkook pulled away from my ear and I gulped. 

"W-What are you t-talking about, hyung?" I tried to play dumb but I sounded too afraid to do so. He let go of my chin and sat back down on V's bed. 

"Come on, I know why there aren't any girls you like, or why you 'hate' seeing our hyungs half-naked," He leaned forward on his knees and looked at me. I could feel the beads of sweat building up on my forehead as I shifted awkwardly. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," I breathed deeply. He rolls his eyes and takes in a shaky breath. 

"I know you're gay, I'm not stupid," He chuckles. I close my eyes and expect some sort of scolding. "I am too." 

My eyes open suddenly and I look at him. Some disbelief gracing it. 

"Wait, really?" I ask. He nods slightly. "Actually, that makes sense. I mean, you do act pretty terrified of girls sometimes."

He chuckles awkwardly and I laugh at him. As I'm doing so, I feel my chest heat up. Not as like heartburn, but in one area. I slowly stop laughing and place my hand on where the heat was coming from. 

"Are you okay?" He asks as he stands up. He leans down in front of me so I can see him. As I feel around with my hand, I notice that the heat was coming from the necklace. 

I rip it off and feel the cold air hit my chest again. 

"It just-I don't even know! It just started heating up," I spoke frantically as the necklace hits the floor. He looks over at it and picks it up. He had grabbed the silver part and instantly let go. 

"It's like it's on fire," He says as he grabs the black part. I get off the bed and sit across from him on the floor. He looks a bit closer at the silver part while not touching it. His eyes widened and he dropped the necklace. 

"Follow me," He mouthed as he pointed outside. I raised an eyebrow and went to speak but he covered my mouth. 

We walked outside of the room and I looked at him oddly. 

"What was that about?" I asked him. Jungkook pulls me away from the door and into his room. He looked around a bit and then lead me to sit on his bed. 

"Okay, you're probably thinking I'm crazy, but, that necklace had a microphone in it," He speaks urgently. "Where did you get it?"

"I-I got it from a fan," I said. He mutters something under his breath and looks at me. 

"If it really was a microphone, they could've been recording everything. Everything you and I said," He speaks. It then dawns on me what he was specifically talking about. 

If word gets out that I'm gay, everyone's going to suffer. Me, all of Light, Jungkook, all of BTS, BigHit, my fans. 

I don't know what I'm gonna do. 

"But, they don't know it was us, right?" I asked hopefully. 

"I'm not sure, but on the front part, the thing that connected it to the fabric chain, it kind of looked like a camera," He whispered. I held my head in my hands and felt all of the stress settle in. 

This is it, I'm done for. Everyone is going to know. Everyone is going to harass me. What if I get kicked out? 

"Jungkook, I'm gonna take a shower," Lion shouted as he entered the room. I could feel him looking at me as it went awkwardly silent. Jungkook stood up and walked over to Lion. I heard the door to the bathroom open and close and I knew he was going to tell him. 

I stood up and ran out of the room, too petrified to hear the rest. I ran down the hallway and into V's and I's room. As soon as I got in, I locked the door and flopped onto my bed. I could feel the tears breaking their way into my eyes.

I sat up and looked at the necklace. I picked it up and took it into the bathroom. I turned on the sink and dropped it in. I saw a few sparks and the necklace popped open. 

Then it hit me, wait, how could they get the video if I have the necklace? Unless it has Bluetooth, I don't think that they could get it. 

A wave of relief washed over me and I let out a deep breath. I smiled brightly and I walked out of the bathroom. I laid down on my bed and slowly let myself fall asleep. 

~ Meanwhile JK's POV~

Lion stood listening intently as I explained what had happened. He understood the situation and didn't really care about the whole being gay part of it. 

We walked back out to talk to [SN] but to our surprise, he was gone. We both looked at each other, clearly a bit fearful. 

At the same time, we sprinted out of our room and down the hallway. Tae was walking down the hall and looked at us oddly while chuckling. 

"What's with you two?" He chuckled as he walked closer to his door. 

"Have you seen [SN]?" I ask. 

"I thought he was still with you guys," Tae said as he looked at us. I freaked out a bit more on the inside and I rushed over to his door. As I went to turn the handle, I could hear Tae screaming as Lion tried to explain things to him. 

I reached my hand down and grabbed onto the handle. I turned it but it didn't open. I began to bang on the door but there was no response. The noise began to attract the attention of everyone but I was too panicked to keep up with what they were saying. 

"[SN]! Open the door!" I screamed. Still, no response. I began to panic and Tae moved me out of the way. He grabbed his key out and quickly unlocked the door. 

The door burst open and we all rushed in. Within an instant, we all looked around and fell to the floor relieved to see that he was just sleeping. 

Holy shit is he a deep sleeper! I looked around and didn't see the necklace where it was on the floor before. 

"Kookie, would you mind explaining what all this was about?" Jin whisper scolded. I tore my eyes away from his sleeping figure and looked over at everyone. Literally, everyone except for Yoongi was in here. 

"Go outside and wait for a second," I told them. Most of them nodded and left but Tae stayed. 

"I thought I told you to wait outside, hyung?" I asked. 

"I don't want to leave you alone in the room with him," He remarked rather bitterly. I rolled my eyes and looked around a bit. I still didn't see the necklace so I walked into the bathroom. 

Sure enough, there was the necklace, in two pieces in a pool of water in the sink. 

"What is that?" Tae asked from the doorway. 

"You'll see," I rushed him out of the room and closed the door gently. I looked at all of them and the stared at me expectantly. 

"You guys are in for a story."

Longing // Taehyung x Idol Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now