Hey guys

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Heeeey everyone! Umm.....this is kinda awkward sorry about that. Not really the greatest at taking the initiative and starting a convo. I just want to say I'm really sorry that I let this story die out for so long. Believe me when I say that I read each and every comment that everyone sent. And a lot of you might not read this story again cause maybe you think the author doesn't care.

Honestly you have every right to be upset. But this story was something that was so impulsive that it shocked me that people actually liked it. I gave up with this story and I was so young. 

I just wanted to say that this all is gonna change.  Im much more older and have a better idea on how to  write. Im gonna start this story all over again! I read through it and i feel it went to fast. I didn't give my characters their own background. So I'm gonna start rewriting this story. Don't worry the storyline will stay almost the same! But its just gonna go at a slower pace so everyone can connect with every character. Im really sorry guys that I left this story for soo long. I suggest that you start reading from the first chapter again cause things will change.  All your comments warmed my heart and I want to say thank you to every single one of you. 

This story really was gonna go away but every "update" comment I got just made me rethink that. I love you all! And I really won't bother you with any author notes. Only when its really important then I will let you guys know.


PS whoever actually read the whole authors note........i just gave you a virtual hug.

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