Chapter 12

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Rue's POV

I'm sitting on my bed when my phone vibrates. I pick it up and see it's a text from Laura.

Laura: Just got a boyfriend! :* <3

Me: Really? Who?

Maggs: Who?

Laura: Will!

Me: Oh! I'm so happy for you! :)

Maggs: Me too!

Laura: Thanks!

Me and Maggs: Np :)

I decide to text Jason.

Me: Hey!

Jason: Hey! What's up?

Me: Oh nothing much. What about you?

J: Nothing really.

Me: Cool. Cool.

J: It's about lunch time, do you want to meet me at the park and we can have like a picnic together?

Me: Yes! That would be awesome! Who would bring the food?

J: I can. I'll make us each some sandwiches. Just text me your favorite sandwich and I can get us some chips or something.

Me: Okay. Let me ask my mom first though.

"Mom!" I call while running down the stairs.


"So you know the guy I like?" she nods. "Yeah he just asked me if I would like to have lunch with him at the park. So can I go?"

"Um, I guess as long as I can meet him afterwards," she says. I squeal in excitement and hug her.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I sprint up to my room and trip on the stairs.

"I'm good!" I call and continue up the stairs while texting Jason.

Me: I can go!

J: Yay! Now what's you favorite sandwich?

Me: Um, how about pb & j? Can you do that?

J: Yep! That's what I was going to have! What kind of jelly? We have strawberry, blueberry, grape, and peach. I personally enjoy the peach.

Me: Peach sounds great! I'll take that! When should I meet you there?

J: 12:30 ish?

Me: Sounds great! <3

J: <3

I look at the time. It's 11:45. I have to leave by 12:15 to get there in time. That gives me 30 minutes to get ready.

I look through my closet for something nicer to wear. I find some jeans that are ripped on the thigh. These will work I think to myself. I put and a yellow tank top with a lose peach colored shirt over it, also. I put my hair into a high ponytail and put a extra hair tie around my wrist. I look at myself in the mirror and think cute and not formal. This will work.

It's 12:10. I put my phone in my back pocket and head downstairs. I put on my black converse and say goodbye to my family.

I walk all the way to the park and spot Jason.

"Hey!" I say running over to him.

"Hey! You look cute today. Well more than usual," he says smiling. He kisses me on my forehead. I kiss him on the cheek.

"So should we get to lunch?" I ask.

"Of course. How about over there," he says pointing to an area with a great big tree.

"That works." We walk over and sit down. Jason takes out everything he brought from home. Plates and the sandwiches and chips. We talk and eat and laugh.

When we are done we go to the swing set that's there. We swing for a while.

"Hey. When we are done my mom wants to meet you in person so if you could come back to our house that would be great," I say to him.

"Yeah, sure. If it means I can be your boyfriend I'll do anything," he says smiling. I blush.

We finish swinging and and pack up all our things. Then we head towards my house.

We get there and go inside.

"Hey, Mom. We're home," I call. She comes out of the living room.

"Well hello. You are Jason?" she asks Jason.

"Yes, Mrs. Markson," he says to her.

"Oh you can call me Kay," she says.

"Okay Kay," he says. I can tell he is trying not to laugh.

They talk for a while longer than my mom says, "Well it was nice meeting you Jason. Your a wonderful young man. But you would probably best be getting home. Bye."

"Bye," he says to my mom. The he turns to me. "Bye Rue. I love you and I'll text you later." He kisses me and leaves. I close the door behind him and walk to my room to chill on my bed.

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