The Stop

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Trigger Warning! There is a part that might trigger people, it's not that bad. You've been warned. If it's too much then please skip it. I have labeled down below where it starts and ends.

Kayleigh Hecox's POV

Shayne tapped my shoulder, waking me up. I pulled out my earbuds and opened my eyes.

"Are we here?" I asked.

"We're at the gas station," Shayne said. I sighed and got up. Everyone left the bus and separated, most going to the washroom. I don't know why they don't go on the bus, that's what it's there for.

"Hey, are you coming in?" Courntey asked me.

"I'll just be a minute!" I said. She nodded and went inside. I quickly called Fawn.

"Kayleigh?" Fawn asked. I smiled, glad to hear a familiar voice.

"Fawn!" I said. She laughed.

"So, how's the road trip?" Fawn asked. I sighed.

"It's okay, I mean, these guys are nice, but I don't care for most of them that much," I told her.

"Don't say that too loudly, one might hear you!"

"It's not that they are bad people, it's that I'm socially awkward, and I don't like meeting new people," I told her.

"You weren't socially awkward yesterday," Fawn points out.

"I wasn't sober yesterday, and my brother won the karaoke contest!" I said. There was a pause.

"Wait, what? Your brother won? But he can't sing!" Fawn said. I laughed.

"Nickelback," I told her.

"Oh!" I chuckled slightly.

"I've got to go Fwan," I told her. She sighed.

"Okay, bye Kayleigh, I still miss you!"

"I miss you too!" I said. "Love you!" I air kissed the phone and put it back up to my ear.

"Love you too!" Fawn said doing what I just did. "Bye!" She said before hanging up.

Trigger Warning Starts Here!

"So, was that your boyfriend?" A guy from behind me asked. I turned to see someone I didn't recognize. He must of been on the bus.

"Uh, no, my best friend," I told him. He took a step closer to me.

"Good!" He said. I looked at him confused.

"Why is that good?" I asked but I was cut off by his lips up against mine. He was kissing me hard and forcefully. I tried to push away, but I couldn't. He stopped kissing me to take a breath.

"Hel - " I tried to yell but she started to kiss me again. Then he started to grope me. I tried to get away, but I couldn't.

"Hey!" Someone yelled. "Ian! Anthony! It's Kayleigh!" He yelled into the store. The guy ran over to me. I could here more footsteps coming towards me.

"Get your hands off my sister!" Ian yelled pushing the guy off of me. Flitz came up and punched the guy in the face. He quickly got up and ran away. I started to cry. "It's okay! He's gone now!" I cried even more into Ian's shoulder.

Trigger Warning Ends Here!

"We should get going," Flitz said.

"I - uh, need to go into the store," I whimpered out. Ian nodded. He started to head back to the bus with Flitz and the others. I stopped the guy who found me. "Uh, can you come with me?" I asked. He nodded. We headed into the store. "What's your name?" I asked wiping away my tears.

"I'm Keith," he said to me. I nodded.

"Thank you Keith," I said giving him a hug.

"No problem!" I grabbed Keith's arm and walked around the store, looking for food under 5 dollars. Keith said that he'd pay for one thing that I wanted. I ended up getting a water, can of sour cream and onion Pringles, and a bag of mini Oreos.

"Thanks," I said to Keith. He nodded. We were the last ones on the bus. I quickly went to my seat. Shayne was going to say something but I put my earbuds in. To keep all the noise out, I was listening to Be My Escape by Relient K. I opened my can of Pringles and ate them until there weren't any left. Shayne was looking at me, I could feel it. I didn't care. Then I opened my bag of Oreos and ate them until there were none left. I drank all of my water too.

"Kay, are you alright?" Shayne asked. I ignored him and looked out the window. My mind was trying so hard to not think about anything, but it kept on going back to the stop we took. I curled up in a ball and watched the cars drive by. It took all of my strength not to cry. I took a deep breath.

You can just cry tonight. I thought to myself. Taking my attention away from the cars, I looked at my phone. 11:25. I sighed. This day isn't even close to being over.

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