The Stars

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Kayleigh Hecox's POV

I was sitting on the Trust Wall, looking up at the stars. They were the one thing that was always the same. There were always stars out at night. The Big Dipper. The North Star. All the same. I pulled out my phone and took a picture.

Kayleighhecox: Never seen something as beautiful. ⭐️💫

"What are you doing out here?" Someone asked from behind me. I turned to see Ian.

"Just looking at the stars!" I said putting my phone away. He smiled at me.

"How are you doing, you know, after what happened?" He asked. I sighed.

"I'm doing better. Keith is now my hero!" I said. Ian smiled and climbed up the ladder. "You're my hero too!"

"Thanks," he said. I grabbed his hand. We just sat there, looking at the stars. It was quiet until I spoke up.

"Ian?" I asked.

"Yes Kayleigh?"

"I like someone," I mumbled to him.

"Who? I'll beat their ass!" Ian said. I smiled.

"I - just want to know if you'll be okay with it," I said. Ian took a deep breath.

"Well, as long as you're happy and safe, I'm happy!" He told me.

"I haven't told anyone this, other than Fawn. I'm scared that he's going to reject me."

"Why would he reject you?" Ian asked me.

"Because I'm a mess! I'm broke, living off of Shane Dawson, relying on my brother to get me a job. My depression has been coming back, I have a tendency to be clingy. I'm socially awkward! He wouldn't want to deal with this mess!" I cried out. Ian gave me a hug.

"What I see when I look at you is someone who has been working hard to get back up. Someone who knows how to love. Someone who can feel all emotions, the good ones and the bad. I see someone who is strong, beautiful, and my baby sister!" Ian said. "I love you, and he'll love you too!" I smiled.

"Thanks for saying that Ian, but you're my brother, it's kind of your job to say those things," I told him, looking back up at the stars. He sighed.

"Leigh, the next time you see this guy, I want you to walk up to him and tell him you like him. If he says no, then you move on. If he says yes, you go onwards from there!" Ian told me. I nodded and went down the slide. Ian did the same.

"I'm gonna do it!" I said. He nodded and smiled.

"Good luck Kayleigh, you can do this!" He said, raising my confidence. I kept on walking to where his room was. You can do this! I nodded, I can do this. The door to his room opened, and out came Wes.

"Hey Kayleigh, what are you doing up this late?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm looking for someone!" I said to him, looking at my feet.

"Well, Lasercorn, Noah, Flitz, Shayne, Sohinki, Joven, and Keith are in there," he said pointing in the room. I nodded.

"Thanks," I mumbled walking in. It was dark, so I couldn't really see where his bunk was.

"Who's there?" Lasercorn asked in a low voice.

"It's me, Kayleigh!" I whispered walking over to him. He sat up.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked.

"I'm looking for someone, Wes said he was in here!" I told him.

"Well who? I can tell you where they are," he told me. I took a deep breath, not sure if I wanted to tell him or not. Well, it was Lasercorn, who was really nice to me earlier. I sighed.

"Can you tell me where Shayne's bunk is?" I asked. He nodded.

"Just over there!" Lasercorn said pointing to Shayne. I smiled and thanked him. "Leigh."


"Good luck!" He said with a wink. I blushed and walked over to Shayne.

"Psst, Shayne!" I whispered in his ear.

"What the hell?" He asked before I shhed him.

"Shh! Come with me!" I said grabbing his hand and leading him out of the room.

"Where are you taking me Kay?" Shayne asked. I smiled and stopped walking.

"Why do you call me Kay?" I asked.

"Because your name is Kayleigh," he told me.

"Everyone else calls me Leigh, even Ian. I don't like be called Kay."

"Oh, sorry!" He said.

"No, I like it when you call me Kay, because I like you!" I told him. Here it comes, he's going to reject you! I stood there, waiting for his response. He didn't say anything. "Shayne?" I asked. He moved towards me and kissed me. At first I was shocked, but soon I kissed back. It was amazing. He pulled away first.

"Ever since I saw you dancing with Courtney to Ian's Nickelback, I knew I liked you!" Shayne told me. I smiled and grabbed his hand. He likes me back.

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