chapter 6

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Outfit River is wearing

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Outfit River is wearing

"River?" Betty asked as she sat besides me on the table

"Sweetie your eyes are so red what happened?"

"I havent stopped crying since first period, all the boys in my class are so disgusting"

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"I havent stopped crying since first period, all the boys in my class are so disgusting"

"Oh Riv" Betty hugged me as i looked up i saw Kevin and Ronnie getting food on the other side of the yard, Reggie and the jocks sitting on the table near us, no chuck to be found, every once in a while i would lock eyes with Reggie, he looked like hell

"I feel so dirty" i frowned as i looked back at betty "Why do i feel this gross, i didnt do anything with anyone, im not like that" i protested

"You shouldnt feel guilty, i believe you when you say you didnt do anything"

"Betty 3 boys followed me into the bathroom during passing period"

"What?" she asked shocked "who i want names"

"They actually went into the girls bathroom and asked me to.. Go down on them" i whishpered feeling emberassed as i began cry again "it was both scary and humiliating i didnt know what was going to happen it was so scary the way they cornered me in the stall"

"River oh my god" Betty teared up as she hugged me tightly"i'm so sorry this is happening to you"

"I cant believe they followed me into the girls bathroom and cornered me, i was soo scared they were gonna do stuff to me, they kept touching my body and taunting me, it was so humiliating" i sobbed into Betty's shoulder

"Do you know them?" Betty asked

"No, they looked older' one actually looked young"

"Its okay, i wont let anything happen okay"

"I dont even want to go to my next three classes, i know i have you guys for my sophomore courses but im actually scared for my life, im over today already" i sobbed as I just looked down "i hate this i don't like school anymore"

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