chapter 8

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*next day at school"

"Welcome back you crazy thug" Kevin smiled as i walked back into school

"Thank you" i giggled as we walked to my locker, "those 2 days where so much needed than expected" i added

"Wheres veronica?" Kevin asked

"She ditched me, said she needed to talk to Betty about something important"

"Shall we go to the student lounge?" Kevin suggested

"Yeah i can use a quick snack" i added as we walked in, Veronica was already sitting down

"Did you find her?" i asked


"Betty? Did you find her?" i asked

"Oh yeah shes bussy interviewing for the blue and gold"

"So drive in?" Kevin asked

"Im still grounded for running away"

"Yeah why dont we go together i can't promise you any action but ill bring my good luck?" Veronica replied

"Great another night another hag, River would have gladly showed me a good time she's known for it" Kevin smirked as he winked

"Rude" i giggled "uhh these rumors" i smirked

"Talk to your mom veronica pleaseee"

"I will" V replied as we all sat and chilled

"Speaking of hag, Veronica its so devastating to me that your mother has to sink to such unspeakable lows just to keep those knock off Hermes bags on your arm, what's next selling her hair extensions?" Cheryl asked

"My mom is a waitress Cheryl, not a Fantine and your faux comcern reeks of ulterior motiveml. What is it?" V askrd

"Only to remind you of your place in this school, the towns social Hierarchy"

"Threatend much? Dont worry you may be stick charachter. From thw 90's teen movie but im not, and what does any of this have to do with my mom being a waitress?"

"Just that i saw her talking to a south sidr serpent last night in the alley behind Pops, they where having an extremely heated, intimate discussion see for yourself" Cheryl smirked as she showed us her phone before walking away

"Who or what is a southside Serpent?" V asked

"They're this gang of bikers who pretty much stays on the south side of town and thank god cause theyre sort of dangerous, drug dealers and petty theives"

"Then what was my mom doing with one of them?"

++ cut to Veronica confrotning her mom ++

"Here mrs H" i smiled as i handed her a glass of wine

"Heads up, V got wind of u and FP talking" i whispered

"Oh god" H sighed

"I'll handle it H" i smiled as she just looked confused

"God who knew working would be so tiring" She replied as V walked in

"Mom? Cheryl showed me a picture you where standing behind pops with a southside serpent those guys are thugs what where you doing?"

"First off you have nothing to worry about, come here sit"

Veronica took a seat infront of both me amd Hermonie as i laid on mrs H arms

"Veronica its my fault she talks to a few" i confronted her

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