chapter 10

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"Oh my god" i gasped as i sat on the sofa

"How can she do that, shes still married to my father, how do you kiss another man"

"And with Archies dad, thats weird"

"What do i do? What do i tell her? Shes been in secrets since we moved here"

"I dont know V, confront her if your this uncomfortable"

"Moms here" V whispered as Mrs h walked in

"Should i go to my room?" i asked

"No stay, i need you"


"girls?" mrs H asked

"Are you and dad getting a divorce when he gets out jail?"

"Honey why would you ask such a thing?"

"I saw you mom with fred andrews in The trailer"

Oh veronica honey i am so sorry that you did but i want you to know that we've, we've never kissed before until today

"What about dad, what happens when he comes home"

"Im not sure im so sorry baby it just happened. And i know this must be confusing"

"Yeah it it mom"

"So what can i do to help"

"You know what mom there's actually nothing "


"Babe" i frowned as i laid on Reggies chest still in the work out attire from our morning run

"Whats wrong"

"My head is killing me"

"Get up" Reggie suggested as he sat up on the sofa he patted his lap to lay my head on as he grabbed the pillow

"Babe" i moaned as he began massaging my head and running his fingers throught my hair

"This feels good"

"You okay Mija?" Mrs H asked as she walked in

"No my head hurts"

"Migranes again?"

"I feel one coming"

"Im starting to think its because your to smart, even your mind is saying i hate you nerd give me a break" Veronica added making me laugh before i threw the pillow at her

"Be nice to her, if it wasnt for her youd be failing math" Mrs H replied making Veronica shut up

"True, you went from a D to a B sooooo, you're welcome"

"Do you want to stay home from school?"

"No, i can't be missing so much school, or child protective service is going to get involve, and i dont want to be in Foster care"

"Alright let me make you a tea to go" Mrs H had walked off to the kitchen as i grabbed my bag

"Babe your going like that?" he asked as he looked at my running shorts

"Yes, im too lazy to change"
"river guys are going to look"

"These are exactly the same shorts i cheer in, stop worrying im only yours" i smirked as i kissed him

"You're driving us today Reggie?" Veronica asked



"I cant believe your sister is pregnant" i said as we sat in the lounge

"Since she knew where jasons get away car was. There afraid people might think that shes burned it and that if she did .."

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