Chapter 2

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Waking into the assembly i lost Veronica and the rest of them in the crowd,

"great" i frowned as i looked around to try and find them

"Ronnie?" i yelled as i tried to push pass people "Ronnie?" "Betty?.. someone ?" i groaned in annoyance as i looked around the gym

"River?" Archie yelled as he looked down to me "come on lets find a seat" Archie added as he led me to the top of the bleachers

"soo" i awkwardly mumbled as he sat behind me when i felt 2 large  guys sit next to him "thank's for saving me from being trampled down there" i smiled as Archie laughed

"everyone is so tall" i added

"dude,you look so little next to us" Archie laughed as i turned around slightly offended

"because i am little, im literally the youngest one here" I giggled looking back to him

"are you?"

"yes, i am and no im not telling you how old i am i dont need any more taunting veronica is enough" i added as archie frowned,"i may be little but i have a huge mouth and a small temper so no one messes with me" i added as  Reggie had a smirk on him as he looked down to me

From Reggie: what are you doing here?

To Reggie: why are you being different? now your not talking to me? what kinda of boyfriend even are you?

From Reggie: i cant talk to you not on school grounds

to reggie: woah what a big Fuck You right to my face, i guess this summer meant nothing?

From Reggie: babe its not like that

To reggie: fuck you Reggie

From Reggie: No, its not that easy, I love you River im sorry but the guys on the team cant know about us

To Reggie: why not? Are u actually emberassed to be seen by me? Is it cuz im not skinny and tall? Because that didnt bother you a month ago??

From Reggie: no that doesnt bother me, i love you i just dont want you to get hurt

To reggie: too late.

i had put my phone away hearing Reggie sigh behind me, I thought reggie would be excited that i was attending his school, instead he looked like he saw a ghost when he saw me, and now he's texting me? instead of talking to me... im literally right infront of him

"are you okay?" Archie asked as he sat besided me

"yeah, why?" 

"it looks like your about to punch someone" Archie added
"sorry i just miss my old school right about now"

"dont worry, You'll grow to love riverdale"

"its not that bad here, i like it, some people just suck"

"Is someone already messing with you?"

"Its not important Archie he's a jerk" i replied as i looked back to Reggie

"Who is messing with you, let me know" Archie added

"I can take care of myself Archie, thanks" i half smiled as i looked. Around

"So are you going to tell us how old you are?"

"Nope, but you guys do realize im a freshman right?"

"Veronica said you both where sophomore"

"Technically kinda.. i'm taking 3 freshman courses and also taking 3 sophomore classes, i would have gone straight to junior year but hermonie wanted me to have a childhood, so they suggested otherwise, and since shes adopting me, i have no choice but to comply"

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