chapter 12

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"And that was the last time you saw him?" Mr Keller questioned

"At pop's when he told me the plan, that he was going to fake his own death and then we would meet up but before that could happen my mom and dad sent me away" Polly said as we all sat on the living room area with Sherriff Keller

"One of Jasons teamates said that before he ran away, Jason was dealing drugs" Betty said

"Yeah making a one time delivery he needed...we needed the money to get away and start over"

"So riverdale's star football player becomes a drug mule?" mr Keller asked

"He went to a bar across town to the other side of the tracks and made a deal with some biker gang"

"Serpents?" Keller asked

"Oh god" i whispered over to Hermonie

"He got an address upstate where he was suppose to deliver the drug in exchange for cash"

"The drugs in jasons car that went up in flames?" Mr Keller asked

"Yes" Betty answered

"Along with everything i had of Jasons, including the ring his nana gave me which he was keeping until.." Polly began to cry

"Okay mr Keller i think that's enough questions for tonight, i think Polly needs her rest"

I watched as Mrs H showed Mr Keller out as V and B sat With Polly and me

"I'll get you some water Polly" i had walked up to go to the kitchen, grabbing the pitcher from the fridge along with a glass cup before Mrs H walked in, i didn't even realize my eyes were tearing up


"We were suppose to do that dilevery" i teared up as i whispered over to her

"What do you mean"

"My dad and me, we were offer that drop for cash, we were going upstate, then cops started showing up and questioning about the Lodge name, dad said he found a sucker to do it instead, oh my god my dad sent him to his death" i cried as Mrs H hugged me

"We killed him, we send someone who knows nothing about what we do"

"You didn't kill anyone, this is not your fault"

"How can i live with myself knowing me and my father sent polly's bf to his death, what if it was my dad who killed him, what the hell"

"Stop thinking like that Mija, your dad is not into drug pushing, your dad took that job to get money for you. Jason went to you guys, no one is ever safe with those jobs and he knew that"

Next day at school

We were in the homeroom sitting down with the gang, including Cheryl

"Polly is convinced no one wans her baby" Betty frowned

"Besides the child snatching blossom monsters" Kevin stated

"Kev" i giggled

"Oh no offence Cheryl"

"None taken" Cheryl replied

"So your mom and dad want polly and not the baby and the blossoms want thebaby and not polly? Juggy questioned

"Yup" Betty replied

"That's a true gordian knot" Juggy added

"Its an impossible situation"

"Betty, come on an impossinle situation is being invited to te vanity flair and oscar party and elton johns oscar party on the same night"

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