chapter 11

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"They what!" i yelled, a few students in the hall where looking at me as if i was crazy

"Yeah, sherrif Keller and Mr Weatherbee took Jugghead for questioning"

"Did they say why?" i asked as Betty grabbed her book back along with Archie calling his father

"Were headed there now, call you later?" Betty sughested

"No im going with"

"River its okay you cant miss anymore days" Betty reassured me

"your right, here,ths is is his fathers phone number, call it  let him know about Juggy" i handed her a paper with 2 phone numbers to dial

"I pomise he'll be okay, ill call my dad" Archie smiled as he hugged me

"Be safe, stay here i'll text you okay"

Kevin, and i had watched Archie and Betty leave school grounds

"I promise, your cousin is fine, its just qurstions"

"Ehy would your dad question him?, there is nothing that would lead to him"

"I dont know River, ill see what i can do about it it if i hear something i'll let you know"

"Thank you kevin, i should really get to class"


"The week of July 11 you said? I had him working for me working on some dry wall" Mr Andrews said as me and Archie stood by, Betty was in the room with Juggy

"Yeah i remember he blew me off said he had to work, we were suppose to have game night" i lied

"If you'd like i can get ahold of my paper work and time cards" Mr andrews said as Mr Keller looked at us

"That would be exellent" Mr Keller said "Ill go get jugghead he can head back home" he added

Juggy had appeared from the room, along with Betty, Jugghead was hurt not making eye contact with anyone

"Juggy!" i yelled as i ran up to him

"Are you okay? Did they do anything to you did they hurt you??"

"River, you didnt have to come, im fine"

"Of course i did, j forever Juggy"

"I love you kiddo" Juggy smiled as he hugged me back, Betty looked confused as she went back and fourth to me and Juggy

"Come on kids lets get you guys home" Mr Andrews announced as we all walked out side

"Jughead!" FP yelled. "Im sorry i came as soon as i got your messages, my phone, the friggin' batteries i forgot to plug it in last night"

"Hes drunk" i mumbled to Juggy

"I know" Juggy frowned as he hugged me

"So what the hell happened?" Fp asked

"Nothing dad, its fine now, Mr Andrew took care of it" Juggy replied i knew he was tensed and was trying hard to avoid a scene

"Its okay juggy" i tried to calm him, as i held on to his arm

"What jacked up crap did they accuse you of in there, huh? Those bastards trying to throw you in jail like they did you old man? well screw that i will rip keller a new one for trying to pull that on you"

"Fp settle down" Mr Andrews held FP back as he tried to enter the sherriff station

"FP" i yelled

"Thats my son, hes my son Fred you'd do the same for your boy"

"Please FP" i tried to calm him down, i knew Betty and Archie looked scared as they watched FP get roudy

"Dad dont make things worst please"

"Yeah okay, you uh you coming home with me?"

"He can stay with us Mr Jones, we already offered" Archie said

"Come on FP" i grabbed his arm as he held on to me "lets just get you back home" i added

"Is that what you want? Maybe thats for the best thats if you dont mind Fred"

"Whatever you want FP" Fred replied "its between the two of you"

"I'll go with you dad, lets go river" Jug grabbed my arm as we walked towards Fp again

"Listen to me guys, i promise ill do what you want and get my act together, im going to get your mom and jellybean home so were all under the same roof i promise but  i just need a little time to do that, not alot not to long a month maybe two at the most"

"Okay dad"

"And well be back on track all right?" Fp added

"You believe that dont you?"

"Yeah i believe you dad" Jug hugged Fp

"Take him home please" Juggy asked me as he began to walk back


I gave him a quick hug "i love you juggy, okay you are not going to follow in his footsteps i promise you okay"

"I know" Juggy hugged me tighter as he cried a bit

"Please take care of him, you know he listens to you more, since you look like aunt Jane" Juggy chuckled a bit

"I will" i had walked off to FP as Betty and Jughead hugged

"Let's go FP"

At pops

"The blossoms should be here any minute now"

"Once we've talked things through with them, we'll call mom and dad, are you nervous?" Betty asked

"Im thankful. At the home the sisters said each of us had a guargian angel, your mine betty" Polly smiled

"Thats so sweet Polly" i smilled as i gave her a little cuddle to ease her nervousness away

"Cheryl" Polly quickly got up "i'm so sorry about Jason i know how much you loved him, he always talked about how much he loved you"

"Cheryl where is your mom and dad?" Betty questioned

"You have to leave. Now my parents i dont think they want to help you"

What are you talking about? betty asked

"They want you out of the picture polly its not safe for you to be with them, its not safe for Jay jays baby

"Where am i suppose to go i cant go back to the attic?"

"You can stay with us Polly, im sure Mrs H wont mind"

"No you dont have to go back to the Attic, River is right, you can stay with us Polly and dont worry about my mom Betty she'll want to help"

"Dont stress your self out Polly, its not good for the baby, lets get you out of here"

"Thank you two, so much" Polly hugged both me and V

"Get her home" i said as i looked at V

I watched them leave as i stayed behind with cheryl

"Thank you Cheryl for warning us"

"I just want jay jays baby to be safe" Cheryl cried

"I promise Polly and her baby will be safe and away from your parents" i had hugged her as she cried a bit

"Jay jay's baby doesnt deserve to live with us, the baby deserves a better life"

"Thank you, i promise you we'll take care of her, and ive told you..if you need me i'll always be here okay"

"Thank you River"

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