chapter 16

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"Hmmmmm baby dadddy looking all kinds of fiiine" i joked as Reggie sat down and waited for me to get ready

"Hmmmmm baby dadddy looking all kinds of fiiine" i joked as Reggie sat down and waited for me to get ready

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"Hurry up Princess" Reggie groaned in annoyance as he began to get impatient

"Nooo beauty takes patience" i yelled back

"Not with me " Reggie sassed me back as i threw a pillow at him

"Not with me " Reggie sassed me back as i threw a pillow at him

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"How do i look?" i asked as i stepped outside of the bathroom

"Wow, you look breathtaking"

"Really?" i blushed as Reggie got up and kissed me

"We should go to homecoming already" Reggie smirked as we walked out the trailer and into his car when we notice Ronnie and Archie walking around of FP's Trailer

I looked down as we drove by them. Not even noticing us, we drove off to the school

*at daaaa. Dancee*

"Hey Kev" i smiled as me and Reggie walked over to Kev and Joaquin

"Hey you twoo..." Kev smirked

"Hey Joaquin" i smiled as i hugged him

"Your glowing tonight.. Oh my god did you two.." Kevin asked as he looked my body up and down

"What wait what me nooo" i panicked as i looed at Joaquin for help

"Come on lover boy, leave these two alone" Joaquin smirked as he pushed kevin away from us

"Call me tonight, i want every single dirty wet detail about the deed" Kevin winked

"Oh my god how does he even know?" i blushed as Reggie just laughed

"Come one babe" Reggie had led me to the middle of the dance floor as we danced to the upbeat music playing

"Hey Riv, have you seen Veronica and archie?" Betty asked

"No not here"

"Wait i see them" Betty smiled as she pointed at them walking in and towards Mrs Cooper

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