Chapter 9

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"im being the lame girlfriend right now" i blushed as i sat on the bleachers with Ethel "watching my boyfriend practice as if i know whats going on" i added making Ethel Laugh

"its not that hard to understand football" Ethel added

"practice will be over soon, then i can be with you" Reggie smirked before kissing me

"make me proud" i smirked "i always do" Reggie winked as he headed back to the field i watched as the football team ran a good play, but it really wasnt my thing, i didnt get what was happening so i just sat there with my notebook, writing poems like i normally do when im bored

before i knew it an hour had passed and and reggie was off to the lockers to shower

"if he takes forever i will honestly just leave" i said looking at Ethel as she just smirked

"you two are cute but jesus christ your impatient"

"aww thank you Mugs"

"anyways, you guys have any plans tonight or this weekend??" Ethel asked

"i mean i have a cerfew for another week so no not really"

"i wanted to grab a bite at pops tomorrow"

"well im up for it if i can be home by 7:30"

"sounds good to me" Ethel replied as she got up "i should get going, i need to get to class" Ethel said her goodbyes as she walked off

I sat there alone as i waited for Reggie

"hey babe" Reggie smirked as he sat on the bleachers with me

"babe, i know i should be a supporting girlfriend and cheering you on, but i dont even know where you are half of the time when your on the feild"

reggie laughed as he just hugged me, "its okay you being here is enough, besides i may have a spot at being captain"

"wow babe thats amazing"

"if i play my cards right"

"you'll do great, i believe in you babe"

"Archieee!" i smiled as archie sat besides us

"im so sore" he complained as he took out his notebook

"i saw someone tackle you but not sure who"

"that would be me" Reggie laughed as he picked me up placing me on his lap, his arms around me as his lips made there way to my neck

"i love you"

"i love you too" i blushed as Reggie began kissing me

"betty youre positively radiating nicholas sparks, tell me everything about trev" Ronnie added as the group walked up to us"

"oh theres nothing to tell just one of bettys sources theres nothing romantic in the offing" Kevin added as they sat behind us

"why cant a date just be a date?, what about you archie hows life in the PG world? PG Post Grundy..what too soon?" Ronnie asked

"Wait what about Ms. Grundy?" i asked confused as i looked at Archie

"nothing, but coach clayton says i have a shot at varity captain, my oppontent is Reggie" Archie quickly replied

"ouch, my friend vs my boyfriend" i added as i looked back to Archie

i watched as Betty and Archie whispered over to eachother

"can we just talk about how the only one that is in a an actuall healthy long relationship is little River, while us losers just sit back and watch" Ronnie added making me laugh

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