chapter 14

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"Betty you were saying something about jugheads birthday?" Ronnie asked

We were in lunch eating with Ronnie, Betty, Kevin and Archie

"Yeah just that Mr Jones told me Juggy has never had a birthday party"

"Mhhm " Archie agreed

"For a reason" i added

"let's have one for him, like a low key surprise party" Betty suggested

"Uh no, no" Archie. Added

"That's a fantastic idea" Ronnie agreed

"No, Jughead doesn't like his birthday"
archie added

"i agree with archie, Betty let it go" i added

"Everybody says they dont like their birthday but nobody means it" Kevin replied

"Jughead is a lone wolf" Archie replied

"okay ignore the negativity, Betty you know me any excuse to wear a cute party dress" Ronnie smirked

"Yeah" Betty smiled

"So im thinking a quaint gathering inner circle only"

"Fine by me" i caved in "as long as i wear my tiara" i added. As i smirked

"I have an idea, so Juggy doesn't get mad, we should celebrate River's birthday too her birthday is literally a week away" Archie added

"Archie no" i frowned

"Yes that is fantastic, its next week anyways" Ronnie smiled

"Archie why would you do me like that?" i frowned as Archie chuckled

"Take one for the team River, please" Betty begged as she did her puppy eyes

"Fine as long as you tell Juggy i had nothing to do with it" i added

"Fine as long as you tell Juggy i had nothing to do with it" i added

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"Oh my god dont turn around" Kevin frowned as he held my hand

"What?" i got curious as i turned and  saw Chuck walking into the lunch room

"Oh my god" i began to panic

"Holy Chuck, i think his lats got bigger, not that i care cuz hes evil incarnate" Kevin added

"whats chuck clayton doing back?" archie asked

"he got suspended not expelled even though he should have been drawn and quartered in for what he did to River"

"I need to go" i panicked as i grabbed my book bag

"Riv?" Kevin frowned

"Im fine" i lied as i sped walked out the lunch room and walked to the gym where Reggie was practicing for basketball

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