57. KrisMyeon

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{{THIS is for miss_21! Fluffiness included~}}

Suho watched as Kris was up to bat. Lead off hitter. 11 to 12 (meaning he only struck out once). Perfect stance. 70°. Curveball came swerving in.

The sound of Kris's bat echoed through the feild, followed by cheers from the stands. Home Run. Right over the fence.

Suho looked down at his score book. He circled HR, outlined the diamond and filled it in. That's the end of the game. Mercy rule. Bottom of the fifth, 14 to 4 and they were the visting team.

He came in and jumped on home plate. The ump called "That's the game!"

Kris's teammates came out of the dugout and slapped him on the back, complimenting him like no tomorrow. He just nodded, not really smiling though. Suho checked the score sheet. Kris had 7 RBIs (they hit around the lineup twice).

Suho whistled and whispered, "Damn," under his breath. He packed up all of his things and headed over to his black Ford Expidition. He put all his things in the back seat and unlocked the trunk. Kris came a few minutes later and put his bag and metal spikes cleats in the trunk.

They got in the car together. "Great game, Kris."

"Thanks Suho~" he said, smiling one of those goofy smiles only Suho ever got to see.

"No problem," Suho said. Under his breath he said coldly, "practice makes perfect."

Kris folded him arms, remembering their fight from the previous day. Apparently, Suho thought it was insane that Kris had two baseball practices a week, one game every weekend, and one or two nights of extra training, depending on how much homework he had that week.

Suho complained that he didn't get to spend any time with Kris anymore, and Kris argued that he needed to practice because it was always his dream to be a major league player for the American or National League.

"You're still on me about that?!"

Suho blinked. "I-I'm sorry," he sputtered, scared by Kris's tone of voice.

When they arrived home. Kris pulled Suho into their shared apartment and pushed against the wall. "If you want to fight, I have no problem with that."

"N-No! Kris don't!" Suho pleaded.

Kris smirked. "Not like that, exactly."

He pushed his lips against Suho's forcefully and deepened the kiss by pulling Suho closer to him.

He pulled back. "What was that?" Suho asked in a small voice.

"I love you. And I'm not going to leave you to be a baseball player."


Kris rolled his eyes. "I got accepted to play for a minor league team in Ameri-"

"KRIS! You said you wouldn't lea-"

He held up two plane tickets. "Who said you weren't coming with me?"

Suho smiled and hugged Kris. "IM SO PROUD OF YOU!"

Kris laughed and patted Suho on the back. "C'mon. We're leaving in two days and I want to pack early!"

"I am so damn proud of you..."

Kris smiled and pecked him on the lips. "You already said that."

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