2. TaoRis

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<back story: so Tao has a crush on Kris, and they go to the same school. That school happens to be having a camping trip and Tao and Kris get paired up with some other kids to share a cabin together>

"Tao, this is great! Maybe you could...tell Kris...you know..." Xiumin started. He knew all about Tao's little crush on Kris.

"Shut up!! You're embarrassing me," Tao whined. He pouted his lips and crossed his arms.

"I'm surprised Kris hasn't fallen for you. You're adorable!" Xiumin says poking Tao's cheek.

Tao sighed. "Whatever...hi Chen!"

And so the three boys talked all the way on the bus ride to camp.

• • •

"Kris, Xiumin, Chen, YiXing, Tao, and Luhan, you are cabin 10. Please go unpack!"

The six boys obeyed the directors and hiked up to their cabin. Chen walked with Xiumin and Tao, Luhan walked with YiXing, and Kris walked behind them all by himself.

"Why is he all alone?" Tao asked Chen.

"Who? Kris? I don't know. Go talk to him!" Chen said and pushed the boy backwards, almost knocking over YiXing. Chen, Xiumin, Luhan, and YiXing are the only ones who know about Tao's crush, so it was a bunch of people who knew, and Kris.

Not awkward at all. At least they're all friends...

"Sorry..." Tao mumbled before proceeding over to kris. "Why are you walking all alone?"

"Because...no reason..." the older boy said shrugging his shoulders. Tao sighed and contined to walk by Kris's side. "You didn't have to come back."

"I didn't want you to be lonely!" Tao said puffing out his cheeks in annoyance. "I wanted to come back here."


"Because...no reason..." Tao said, mocking Kris's response from earlier.

"Fine..." Kris huffed. They walked in silence to he cabin. By the time they got there, the other four were already in their bunk beds. (Because Kris was really far behind everyone else).

Tao went over to the last bunk. "I call top."

"Mph..." was all Kris said in response. Tao sighed again because he was hoping for something better for him to say. Kris was being so weird today...

"What's wrong? You've been acting weird lately," Tao said sounding very worried.

"That's not your problem..." Kris said.

"Well, I can still help!" Tao pleaded. He wanted to help his friend and he wouldn't let him. What the heck?

"You two can get together in the morning ing. Shut up and sleep..." YiXing moaned.

So the two of them threw their stuff in the ground to unpack the next morning and went off to bed.

• • •

Tao shivered. He had woken up multiple times because he was cold. He looked at the time...1:25 AM...

He thought about it for at least 10 minutes, but a hair raising shiver was all it took to make up his mind. Besides, he was freezing!

So he crept down the ladder and crawled into bed with Kris. To his pleasure, it was much warmer. "Thank you, Kris," Tao mumbled then put his arm over Kris.

• • •

"Tao?" Kris asked, gently shaking Tao's shoulder. "What are you doing down here?"

Tao woke up. "I was cold..." he said, squeezing Kris and pulling him closer.

"Can you...get off?"

"Okay..." Tao said. He got up, got his bag, and sat Indian-style on the top bunk and checked his messages and what not. He loved that he acually got service up here...

Then he got a message...from Xiumin?

'Oh my gosh, Tao! I'd crack up, but I didn't want to blow my cover or spoil the moment. Lol. You should've made a move or something!! Gosh...'

Tao looked over at Xiumin who winked at him. Tao looked confused and Xiumin rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone.


'I don't know how to make a move!' Tao responded.

'Then just...kiss him and hope he likes it. That's how I got together with Chen last night...'


'I kissed him and now he's my boyfriend. O///O'

Tao looked up at Xiumin and snickered. Then he replied:

'Dude! That's your first kiss, that's a huge deal! why didn't you tell me earlier?!'

'Because...I wanted to use it as an example to show how to get you with Kris...it seemed legit at the time :('

'So what do I do? Really?!'

'I dare you to just kiss him...'


So Tao climbed down the ladder and went over to Xiumin's bed. He whacked him on the head and covered his face with a pillow. Xiumin let out a dramatic sigh. "I'm not allowed to watch?"

"Of course not!" Tao said quietly.

So Tao crept over to Kris's part of their bed, not noticing that Xiumin had peeled the pillow off of himself and was recording with his phone.

"Good morning..." Tao said to Kris and kissed him on the lips.

"Y-you should've done that earlier..." Kris replied quietly. His lips formed a crooked smile.

"What?" Tao asked confused. Was that good or bad?!

"The reason I was acting weird...because you didn'treokybto my messages and I thought you were ignoring me," Kris explained while his cheeks flushed red.

Tao, with a confused look covering his panda-like face, took out his phone. He looked under Kris's contact. 4 missed texts.

'Hey, you!'


'I'm excited for camp. I'm very happy we're in the same cabin! ;)'

'Do you even care? Jeez, dude. Whatever.'

"I'm sorry..." Tao said, a tear sliding down his face. How could he not see this?!

Kris took Tao's face in his hand and wiped his tear away. He said, "Don't cry..." and then kissed his cheek. "You're mine now...you don't need to cry."

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