Chapter 6

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Heyyy guyss. Im sooo sorry i havent uploaded in a while but ive got a TON of school work everynight :P thanks for waiting and i hope you like! :D


Niall's POV

I cant believe what I'm seeing right now. Liam is sitting at his kitchen table in the same out fit he had on when he fleed from my flat four days ago. It seems as though he hasn't showered either. But the worst of it was yet to come. He sat there with a can of beer in his  left  hand and It can't be....a bloody razor in his right. My eyes quickly flick down to his exposed left fore arm and my knees become weak, so much so that I slide down the wall to the floor. There is about six or seven deep gashes carved into his arm. My boy, my sweet sweet boy. How could he do something like this to himself? And worst of all, this is my fault. If I wasn't such a bloody coward and gone to see him immediately none of this would have happened. I slowly stand and begin to walk over to Liam. As I get closer, I see that it's not just his left arm that he cut, it was his left arm, his right arm and both his legs. On his right arm and legs, however, there was just one gash on each, unlike on his left arm where there were several. I made it to the table and sat down in the chair next to Liam. I looked at the beer in his hand. I reached out and removed it from his grasp. He didn't resist. Oh and for those of you who don't know Liam only has one working kidney. That means that he's not suppose to drink a lot of beer, whiskey, spirits, or alcohol in general. But as Louis said in our interview before we went go karting, "Why can't he drink?!? He can drink!" Then Liam had said "I can drink I just choose not to." Then Louis jumped back in and said "Let me tell you something. He used to say in interviews that he can't drink. We researched it. He can drink. He was using it as an excuse. Ever since we've been trying to corrupt him." He can drink, but if he drinks too much at one time, it could go disastrously wrong. So with that in mind I began to search Liam's whole kitchen to make sure he didn't drink anymore then the can I just took from him. Luckily I didn't find anymore and so I went over to the sink, grabbed a towel, wet it and went back to Liam. I began with his legs first. I wiped away all the dried blood from both legs and looked at the damage. These weren't too deep and probably wouldn't scar. Then I got up again and moved to Liam's right side. I gently removed the razor from Liam's hand. His arm was still bleeding, so I wrapped the wet towel around the cut and got up. I went into the bathroom and pulled out Liam's first aid kit. I brought it with me and laid it down on the table. I opened it up and took out a large band-aid. I put the band-aid on the table and turned back to Liam's arm. I applied pressure to the cut and eventually the blood receded until it stopped bleeding all together. Then I removed the wet fabric, dried his arm and put the band-aid over the wounded area. This probably wouldn't scar either. Then I braced myself for Liam's left arm. I could tell by looking at it that it was way worse than the other cuts. I shifted the first aid kit to the opposite side of Liam and then moved to the other side as well. I slowly began to dab away the blood. Liam winced every once in a while but he didn't resist. As I cleared away the blood so I could see the cuts, I noticed something. Etched into the older boy's arm was the word "LOSER". As I read this, I saw silent tears begin to leak out of Liam's eyes. "Liam..." I whispered. I started to cry. He just looked at me. "Why?" I said barely audible. "Niall....I-I..." he looked away, unable to finish the sentence. "Shhhh..." I cooed as I wiped away the rest of the blood and wrapped it up in a gauze bandage. "Niall..." he said again. I looked up into those usually beautiful brown eyes of his. But now they red and puffy from all of his crying. I hated seeing him like this. I can't take this anymore. I thought to myself. And with that thought I leant in.

Liam's POV

Niall. My sweet sweet Niall. I can't believe I let him see me like this...and oh no....he's seen it. What I....wrote...and now he's starting to cry. Why? Why am I such a terrible friend that I make my own best mate cry? I couldn't help it. Silent tears started to roll down my face. "Why?" Niall whispered to me. "Niall....I-I....." I stuttered. I couldn't face him with his beautiful blue eyes and....what? What am I saying? Ugh I must be really tired if I'm thinking about Niall this way. I looked away from the Irish boy's tear stained face, sure that mine looked the same. "Shhhh....." Niall cooed. I could feel him wrapping a gauze bandage around my arm. I looked back at Niall. "Niall..." I tried to start again. But while I was searching for words, a look of determination came over Niall's face. Then his head began to lean....towards mine....then suddenly our lips crashed together. It was a very strange yet welcoming feeling....without my consent my arms rose to Niall's face and my hands began to caress his hair. Niall's arms snaked around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Then finally we broke apart, gasping for breath. It hadn't been a hungry kiss, just a.....kiss I guess you could say. "Niall.." I started but before I could say another word, Niall was up and out of his chair. "Liam don't ever hurt yourself again like that. I love you." and with what seemed like....fear?.....yeah I guess thats what it was....he was out the door. I heard the car door slam and the car begin to start. Seconds later it pulled out of the driveway and was gone. What just happened? What the HELL just happened?

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